Take your hands off! Not you! YOU!

In the darkness of a cinema, a woman’s voice: “Hey! Take your hands off! Not you! YOU!”

This old joke illustrates the American policy regarding nuclear armaments in the Middle East. “Hey, you there, Iraq and Iran and Libya, stop it! Not YOU, Israel!”

The danger of nuclear arms was the main pretext for the invasion of Iraq. Iran is threatened in order to compel it to stop its nuclear efforts. Libya has surrendered and is dismantling its nuclear installations.
So what about Israel?

It has become clear that the Americans are full partners in the creation of Israel’s “nuclear option”.

[More: Vanunu: The Terrible Secret]

Newspaper Design

Just the other day, I was thinking about how badly designed some newspapers were and how they were unfriendly and unattractive to readers.

The main problems that just shouted out loud at me were the following:

  • Too many different fonts, font sizes and font colours.
  • Bad organization of content.
  • Too many colours that don’t blend well together.
  • Bad choice of fonts for article content.
  • Bad choice of pictures and picture sizes.
  • Information looks too bulky.

I think newspaper design should be given more importance than it already gets.
It would make a really big difference for the people if the experience of reading a newspaper is made easier, friendlier and more attractive to the eye.

For an example of a newspaper re-design, check out what was done with The Jordan Times here.
A before & after is also provided and the difference is great although the old Jordan Times wasn’t that bad compared to other newspapers.

National Census of Population

The national census of the Tunisian population starts today.

The last census took place in 1994. The Tunisian population was then 8.7 million. It is estimated today at about 10 million. Thanks to the country’s family planning program, Tunisia’s demographic growth rate has shot down to less than 1 percent.

More than 14,000 trained employees will take part in the collection and processing aspects of the 2004 census operation, scheduled from April 28 to May 25, 2004.

Watch what you blog!

People in black trench coats might soon be chasing blogs as US intelligence agencies start to monitor them.

Some blogs are whimsical and deal with “soft” subjects. Others, though, are cutting edge in delivering information and opinion.

As a result, some analysts say U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials might be starting to track blogs for important bits of information. This interest is a sign of how far Web media such as blogs have come in reshaping the data-collection habits of intelligence professionals and others, even with the knowledge that the accuracy of what’s reported in some blogs is questionable.

Still, a panel of folks who work in the U.S. intelligence field – some of them spies or former spies – discussed this month at a conference in Washington the idea of tracking blogs.


[More: Yahoo! News]
[Via: eclecticism]

Definition of Iraq’s “sovereignty”

Powell has taken the time and effort to explain the definitions of Iraq’s sovereignty.

Simply, any new Iraqi government due to take power on 1 July will have to surrender many of its powers to occupation forces.

“I hope they will understand … some of its [Iraq’s] sovereignty will have to be given back”

Colin Powell, US secretary of state

See? It’s simple.

The US hands over sovereignty to Iraqis on July 1st, hands are shaken, other hands are clapped, pictures are taken, champagne is poured, then the Iraqis give back the sovereignty and what’s left of their dignity to the US, and everybody goes home happy.

[Source: Al Jazeera]


Well I’ve finally been approved to enter the Google AdSense program.
I was hoping the domain name would do the trick ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, I’ll be playing around with it a bit and seeing where best to place the ads so that they don’t affect the overall user experience or make it annoying but still offer a plus for you and for me ๐Ÿ˜‰


Thanks a bunch to Houssein for inviting me into Orkut.

Orkut is a social networking service created by Google but which is only joinable through invitiations from already registered members.

Maybe I should think of a way to start selling invitiations ๐Ÿ˜›
Just kidding…

Le Quotidien & Al Chourouk Online

The Tunisian “Le Quotidien” and “Al Chourouk” newspapers have gone online today at exactly 10:30AM local time.
Their online addresses are: http://www.lequotidien-tn.com/ & http://www.alchourouk.com/.

I think it’s great that more and more Tunisian newspapers are making the jump towards providing their content online.
I think that providing information online really helps build a bigger internet culture in Tunisia where people get used to going online to do more and more.
I hope more newspapers follow, and that other types of content providers and service providers take the internet leap too.

Back to the Le Quotidien & Al Chourouk websites.
First of all, it’s great the editor was able to release two websites in the same day without any problems. Bravo.

Anyway, the designs are really basic and dry for my taste. Plus they remind me of the Tunis Hebdo website design.
But then again, being newspaper sites, keeping it simple is rather acceptable for most people. The most important is the content.

Regarding the content; they seem to visually display all stories as if they have the same priority and importance which I think shouldn’t be the case.
There should be some way to visually distinguish between news stories based on certain criteria.
Another thing is that I think the sizes of the pictures used should be uniform. It’s friendlier to the eye and better looking that way.

I also don’t see any need to open news stories in popups, they should simply open in the same window. Popups are annoying and unfriendly.

Otherwise, I think this is a pretty good first effort, and I hope my opinions are regarded as constructive criticism.
I wish them the best of luck with their sites.