King Fahd of Saudi Arabia Reported Dead

Is King Fahd dead?

Reliable sources in the Saudi capital Riyadh said Friday King Fahd is dead, reports the Saudi Institute.

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia has been dead since late Wednesday, according to several well-placed sources in the capital Riyadh who spoke to the Saudi Institute, a pro-democracy think tank in Washington, on condition of anonymity.

The government also canceled all military leave, “a sure sign that something is happening,” said the Saudi Institute.

[Source: UPI]

The Saudi government denies it and say that he’s in the hospital but in a stable condition and that tests are being run.

Anyway, I really doubt that.
When these kinds of news start breaking out, they seem to always turn out to be true.
It’s always just a case of the government trying to win some time to figure things out and stabilize things before officially announcing it.

We’ll wait and see…

Guantanamo Probe Finds 5 Quran ‘Mishandling’ Cases

So, Newsweek weren’t that wrong after all…

The commander of the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, said Thursday an investigation had identified five incidents in which the Quran appears to have been mishandled by his personnel.

The five suspect incidents were among 13 involving alleged mishandling that were culled from a review of about 31,000 documents representing three years worth of records.

Ten allegedly were by guards and three by interrogators, said Brig. Gen. Jay Hood, who has held his job since March 2004.

“We found that in only five of those 13 incidents, four by guards and one by an interrogator, there was what could be broadly defined as mishandling of a Quran,” he said.

[Source: CNN]

I wonder how he “broadly defines” mishandling the Quran?

Amnesty Slams U.S. & Israel on Human Rights

In a 300-page annual report released today, Amnesty International state that human rights are in retreat worldwide and that the United States bears most responsibility.

All over the world governments are increasingly rolling back the rule of law, taking their cue from the U.S.-led war on terror, the report said.

“The USA as the unrivalled political, military and economic hyper-power sets the tone for governmental behavior worldwide,” Secretary General Irene Khan said in the foreword to Amnesty International’s 2005 annual report.

“When the most powerful country in the world thumbs its nose at the rule of law and human rights, it grants a licence to others to commit abuse with impunity,” she said.

“The detention facility at Guantanamo Bay has become the gulag of our times, entrenching the practice of arbitrary and indefinite detention in violation of international law,” Khan said.

She also noted Washington’s attempts to re-define torture, circumvent its own ban on the use of it as well as restrict the application of the Geneva convention.

The report also accused Israel of committing abuses that constitute crimes against humanity and war crimes.
It criticised the Israeli use of Palestinians as human shields, extra-judicial killings, systematic house demolitions, torture, collective punishment and closures and deliberate killing of civilians.

Some 700 Palestinians were killed by Israeli occupying forces last year alone, an increase from the previous year’s figure of 600, according to the report. About 150 of these were children, many killed deliberately and unlawfully.

[More: Amnesty International, CNN, BBC News, Al Jazeera]

British Lawmaker: Iraq War For Oil

Labour politician and former UK environment minister Michael Meacher has slammed Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush for starting a war he says was to secure oil interests.

“The reason they attacked Iraq is nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction, it was nothing to do with democracy in Iraq, it was nothing to do with the human rights abuses of Saddam Hussein.”

“It was principally, totally and comprehensively to do with oil, This was about assuming control over the Middle East and over Iraq, the second largest producer and also over Saudi Arabia next door.”

“It was about securing as much as possible of the remaining supplies of oil and also over the Caspian basin, which of course is Afghanistan.”

Michael Meacher

I think we all already knew that.
The US government doesn’t care about the Iraqis or the people of the Middle East, all they’re after is the oil.

[Source: Al Jazeera]

Saddam Half-Naked Photos

Saddam in underpantsAll the talk today is about the photos of Saddam half-naked in only his underpants doing his washing in a prison cell.

The photos were published in the UK tabloid newspaper The Sun and then carried by the NY Post in the US.

The Sun is pointing to the US Military for a conspired release of the photos to humilate the Iraqi Insurgency. The US Military is denying it played an organized role in the release of the photos, saying it is aggressively investigating who leaked the photos.

I think this is disgusting and very low.
This kind of humiliation and degradation is unacceptable and illegal under Geneva Convention rules no matter who the person is and how many bad things he’s done.
The people behind this should be held accountable for their actions.

[More: CNN, BBC News, Hou-Hou Blog (FR)]

Koran Desecrated in Guantanamo Or Not?

Everyone has heard of Newsweek’s May 9 story about the desecration of the Koran in Guantanamo bay that said American interrogators put copies of the Quran on toilets or in one case, flushed one down a toilet in an attempt to rattle suspects.

Newsweek’s article cited “sources” as saying a report from a military investigation into allegations of prisoner abuse revealed that interrogators, “in an attempt to rattle suspects, flushed a Quran down a toilet.”

The article sparked massive anti-American riots in Afghanistan, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan, Indonesia and elsewhere in the Muslim world last week.

In its May 23 issue, Newsweek reported that its senior government source had backed away from his initial story, saying he couldn’t remember if the toilet allegations were in the particular report from the investigation.

And after pressure from the Bush administration, Newsweek disavowed the whole story on Monday. And Newsweek’s Washington bureau chief, says the magazine is taking preventive action in the aftermath of the incident, going back to learn from the mistakes they made.

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan acknowledged there are still other ongoing investigations into other reports of religious intolerance — including desecration of the Koran — by interrogators at Guantanamo Bay.

What do I think?
Well, I think this whole story is most probably true, but that the US government has put so much pressure onto everyone involved to just break the whole thing down and invalidate it.

[Sources: CNN, Al Jazeera]

Aren’t You Ashamed?

Uri Avnery and Gush Shalom group demonstrating. – A symbolic blood stain on the national flag. – More Photos by Rachel Avnery.

The car stopped for a moment. An elderly lady pushed her head out of the window and shouted; “Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves? Today is Holocaust Day, and you are demonstrating for Arabs?!”

“How can one demonstrate for Arabs, especially on Holocaust Day?
Well, it’s a good question. And there is a good answer.

The answer expresses one of the lessons to be drawn from the Holocaust, a lesson that should be raised like a banner on Holocaust Day:

– That decent persons must come to the aid of a persecuted minority.
– That loyalty to your country does not justify agreement with the occupation of another country and the oppression of another people.
– That you must not accept an ideology telling you that you belong to a master nation, to a superior race, to a chosen people – and that other people are inferior and subhuman.

… But Palestinians, and Arabs generally, are not considered full human beings…”

Uri Avnery

Uri Avnery is a longtime Israeli peace activist. Since 1948 has advocated the setting up of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. In 1974, Uri Avnery was the first Israeli to establish contact with PLO leadership. In 1982 he was the first Israeli ever to meet Yassir Arafat. He served 3 terms in the Israeli Parliament (Knesset), and is the founder of Gush Shalom (Peace Bloc)

[Via: Je Blog]

George Lucas on Iraq war, ‘Star Wars’

George Lucas weighs in on the war in Iraq and Star Wars…

“Star Wars” director George Lucas says that although he wrote the original film during the Vietnam War, his six-part saga could apply to the war in Iraq.

”In terms of evil, one of the original concepts was how does a democracy turn itself into a dictatorship,” Lucas told a news conference at Cannes, where his final episode had its world premiere.

”The parallels between what we did in Vietnam and what we’re doing in Iraq now are unbelievable.

[Source: CNN]

I totally agree with his point of view on how a democracy can end up turning itself into an evil dictatorship. The US government is a very good example of it.

On another note, I can’t wait to see Episode III : Revenge Of The Sith… I’m dying to see Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader…
I just feel this movie’s gonna rock big time!

Kuwait Approves Women’s Political Rights

Good news from Kuwait…

Kuwaiti lawmakers approved political rights for women Monday, clearing the way for females to participate in parliamentary elections for the first time in the Gulf nation’s history.

Scores of women activists in the gallery immediately rose to their feet in applause, with some ululating and others singing the national anthem.

Allowing women to vote could more than double the number of registered voters in Kuwait. Previously, the vote was restricted to men over 21 who were not members of the police force or military — about 139,000 registered voters.

If all women over 21 registered, that total could reach 339,000.

[Source: Yahoo! News]

Congratulations to all Kuwaiti women and to Kuwait.
This is really great news.

$441 Billion U.S. Defense Bill Approved

A Senate committee has approved a $441.6 billion defense bill for fiscal 2006 that envisions spending an additional $50 billion next year for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Can you just imagine how much could be done towards making the world a better place with all that money?!
Instead it’s all being spent on war and destruction!!
More lives will be lost, more destruction, more hatred, more enemies, more more more in an endless cycle of mad violence.

The only winners behind this are those giant weapons manufacturers and the politicians they bribe and back.
It’s disgusting…