A Call To All Arabs To Unrecognize Israel

“I hereby declare that I am withdrawing my recognition of Israel.
It is not a state. It is a criminal enterprise, more dangerous than any known mafia. A mafia family may bribe one judge. Israel has bought the whole (American) system, which has installed itself as judge to the world.
Israel is not the only democracy in the Middle East, as it is touted. It is institutionalized state terrorism.


Today Israel has become a malignant cancer eating away at the body of the Middle East. I still consider myself a peacenik, and as such I will not call for the destruction of Israel or the harming of any Israelis. I am only calling for the isolation of Israel behind a wall it built it itself. It has never been part of our region and does not seem to want to belong.
I withdraw my recognition of Israel and ask all Arabs, especially Egyptians and Jordanians, to lead the way, as their governments have signed peace treaties with Israel.”

Jihad El Khazen, A Call to All and Every Arab

[Via: Prometheus ]

Double Standards…

All day long we’ve basically been hearing nothing but the news about the four UN observers who were killed in Southern Lebanon by an Israeli strike and how everyone condemns it.
The world was shaken today for four people…

Yet for days tens and hundreds of our brothers in Lebanon and Palestine have been bombed and killed, and basically no one cares or even gives it a second thought…
In fact, no occasion is spared by this country or that to try and justify the brutality taking place or give Israel the full right to all it’s doing…

It seems the value of an Arab person’s life continues to decline in the world’s stock exchange…
Even in murder and death, there are double standards…

Israeli Citizen To Ehud Olmert: I Accuse You !

“I, Tsilli Goldenberg, Israeli citizen

Accuse you – Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel, Amir Peretz, Minister of Defense, Dan Halutz Head of Staff Chief Commander of the Israeli Army, of committing this bestial barbaric slaughter in Lebanon.

I accuse you of committing Crimes against Humanity towards the Palestinian People. I accuse you of deserting our soldiers, when their lives could be saved by negotiations, and I accuse you of starting an unjustified war in my name.”

Tsilli Goldenberg

[Via: Sabbah]

The US and the Israeli Attack on Lebanon

On July 20, the U.S. House of Representatives, by an overwhelming 410-8 margin, voted to unconditionally endorse Israel’s ongoing attacks on Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. The Senate passed a similar resolution defending the Israeli attack earlier in the week by a voice vote, but included a clause that

Bush’s Solution To The Crisis

“What they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it’s over.”

George W. Bush
US “President”

What you need to do Mr. Bush, is shut the hell up with your dumb comments already and get Israel to stop doing the shit it’s doing, that’s when it’ll really be over!

Israel’s Real Aim In Lebanon

Lebanon destruction

The real aim is to change the regime in Lebanon and to install a puppet government.

That was the aim of Ariel Sharon’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982. It failed. But Sharon and his pupils in the military and political leadership have never really given up on it…
As in 1982, the present operation, too, was planned and is being carried out in full coordination with the US.
As then, there is no doubt that it is coordinated with a part of the Lebanese elite…

On the eve of the 1982 invasion, Secretary of State Alexander Haig told Ariel Sharon that, before starting it, it was necessary to have a “clear provocation”, which would be accepted by the world.
The necessary provocation has been provided by the capture of the two Israeli soldiers by Hizbullah. Everyone knows that they cannot be freed except through an exchange of prisoners. But the huge military campaign that has been ready to go for months was sold to the Israeli and international public as a rescue operation…

Uri Avnery
Israeli Journalist,
Writer and Peace Activist

[Via: Je Blog]

CNN Bias In Coverage Of Crisis

CNN is at it again: choosing its words and images carefully to remain safely well within the officially accepted and sanctioned storyline: Israel is reacting to provocation — perhaps a bit heavy-handedly — but reacting all the same.

Has CNN gotten to the point where it won’t report pertinent facts that are essential to putting a story in context? Facts that certainly would have helped viewers understand some of the international criticism Israel was coming under for what the European Union called a “disproportionate” military response to the conflict at hand.
[The Huffington Post]

The CNN representatives expressed concern at the meeting about reports of American Jews selling off stock in the parent company, Time-Warner, in protest over the network’s coverage of the current crisis.
Jewish leaders in the US said they were having some success in convincing CNN to change its reportage on the conflict.
In an effort to mollify critics, CNN recently stopped airing reports from correspondent Rula Amin in Gaza and ceased referring to the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo as a “settlement.”

[Via: Houssein, Sabbah]

Who Started?

“We could have withdrawn from Gaza through negotiations and coordination, while strengthening the existing Palestinian leadership, but we refused to do so. And now, we complain about ‘a lack of leadership?’ We did everything we could to undermine their society and leadership, making sure as much as possible that the disengagement would not be a new chapter in our relationship with the neighboring nation, and now we are amazed by the violence and hatred that we sowed with our own hands.”

Gideon Levy
Who Started? (Ha’aretz)
July 15, 2006

[Via: Billmon]