StartUpArabia Weekly Wrapup, 22-28 September 2008

I thought it would be nice to start posting a weekly wrapup of the most interesting news about Arab startups and entrepreneurship that were published on StartUpArabia during the past week for those of you who don’t get to follow news there more closely.

ShooFeeTV To Broadcast From Jordan Media City
ShooFeeTV has signed an agreement with the Jordan Media City (JMC) to transmit its free-to-air satellite channel from the JMC site in Amman.

Bahrain’s Mobile Penetration Rate Rises To 138%
By the end of 2007, the number of mobile subscribers in Bahrain had increased to 1.116 million, translating to a penetration rate of nearly 138 per cent; and it has the potential to reach 164 per cent by 2012.

Tools4Com OIS, A Simple Online Invoicing System
Tools4Com OIS is a new Tunis based startup that enables users to manage their invoices, quotations, pro forma invoices, delivery notes, clients and products online.

Jordan’s Internet Penetration Rate Grows To 21%
The number of internet users in the kingdom reached 1.2 millions users at the end of the first half of 2008, which represents a penetration rate of more than 20.5%.

Untiny, A Tool To Expand Shortened URLs
Untiny is a new service that gives you the possibility to take shortened URLs and expand them to retrieve the original web address behind them.

Happy reading; I hope you finding something of interest to you.

[Via: StartUpArabia]

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