Passing Time

Ever since i came back from work late yesterday, i’ve been trying to fill up my time with anything so as to not feel lonely, i’ve watched 4 movies already, listened to a load of mp3s, played “Command & Conquer : Generals”, burned a new music cd to play in the car, gone out shopping, rented 4 more movies, and now i’m back home, with more time in my hand to waste, lol.

The 4 movies i saw were:
– What Dreams May Come: which was an ok movie, the special effects were good, but it was bit boring.
– LXG (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) : which was quite good, but not as good as i hoped.
– Soul Survivors : ok, they tried to make one of those complicated movies were they want to keep u not knowing what’s happening till the end, and it’s true u don’t, but by the end u don’t really care, lol.
– Dog Soldiers : Special effects sucked, looks like it came out from somewhere in the 80s, but it was ok, not too bad as a movie.

I’m thinking of starting an open source project on, but i’m still undecided about the idea, as usual, i have a ton of ideas, and instead of putting them to work, i waste all the time choosing and thinking, lol.

I haven’t eaten much today, so i’m starving. I’ll go have dinner now.

Alone :(

Well, my wife has gone to visit her family in Jordan, and due to work obligations i wasn’t able to go too, and so i’m left all alone in Tunisia.

This is not the first time i’m alone in my life, but this time it’s so different, it feels like i’m the only person left on earth.
It’s the first time we’re not together ever since we got married last year, it sucks big time, and it actually feels really weird, as if some part of me is missing, a part i’m so attached to.

I’m kicking myself in the head because i was the one who convinced her to grab the occasion and visit her family.

I can’t wait for her to get back, so we can do everything together again just like it’s supposed to be, just like it makes sense and has a meaning and taste to it.

Anyway, i’d better get going now, i’m so sleepy and exhausted after last night and working till 6:45PM today…


Last night was a great night out, we went to a club called “Calypso” in Hammamet (which is one of the best clubs in Tunisia) with some friends, and we partied like crazy and danced till the break of dawn.

The music was amazing, the beats were hypnotizing and the bass was out of this world, in short it was impossible to even think of sitting down, your body simply wouldn’t let you.

Everyone was jumping around and dancing like there was no tomorrow, kind of reminding me of the rave party scene from “Matrix Reloaded” ๐Ÿ˜›
Damn, i’ve been watching too many movies lately, lol.

We had dinner there too, which as you can imagine, is served in a big plate with a tiny portion floating in the middle, but with a big number showing up on the bill later on in the night, when you’re too exhausted to ask why, lol. Anyway, at least the food tasted good ๐Ÿ™‚

We left at around 4AM, and got home at 4:45AM, with only a couple of hours left for me to try and get some sleep before i get up for work. Of course that would never be enough, and that’s why i’m now at the office, looking like a retard with psycho red eyes who is high on some weird crap, and raving about this in my blog, lol.

Yesterday Fun

We were invited at a friend’s place yesterday, he’s someone who went to the same school as i did in Tunisia, and whom i met and knew better in Jordan when i was going to university there.
The cool thing is we also lived in the same building, became good friends, went through the internet bubble together, spent time with a lot of common friends, but the coolest thing of all is that our stories with our wives are very much identical, we both met them at around the same time in university, got engaged at around the same time, got married and moved back to Tunisia and both work in the internet domain, lol.

So just by imagining how many similarities there are between us as couples and how much history we have behind us, you’d imagine how much fun stuff we had to talk about, from our experiences as a married couple and what we go through, to the amazing insects and crawling species we have in Tunisia, to the stuff our wives find weird in Tunisia, lol.
Of course no such talks go without uncovering some funny past secrets along the way, lol.

After talking and laughing for a couple of hours, the talk turned to food, and our stomachs started rumbling at the thought of some local Jordanian fast-food “Falafel” that we haven’t tasted for so long, and so we suggested to go to this lebanese restaurant called “Baalabak” that serves some quite similar dishes, and so we did.
The food was good, and our conversations and fun went on.

By the time we finished eating and talking, we were too exhausted to even blink, so we thought that was a sign that we should at least try to get home, but of course not before a half hour talk in the parking, in which we men talked about launching a web startup, and our wives talked about whatever they were talking about.

In short, it was some real cool fun, and hopefully we’ll be hanging out together more in the future ๐Ÿ™‚

Summary of quiet period

I thought i’d post a blog entry summarizing the past period, so here it goes ๐Ÿ˜‰

Basically, it was more and more of the usual, lol, work from 8AM to 3PM, lunch at home, sleep or watch movie, go out or watch movie, have a cool night out or watch a movie, lol…

But, there were some rather cool things that happened, which are:
– We got a DVD player as a late wedding gift, so no more movie nights watching DVDs on my laptop, from now on we can use the TV, which is one of the bedroom accessories now after the AC was installed there ๐Ÿ˜‰
– A friend of mine got married (he’s actually a brother of a friend of mine who became my friend), and that meant days in a row of nights out, sleeping late, and going shitfaced to work in the morning, lol.
– We went bowling at last with some friends of ours, something we’ve been wanting to do for ages and just putting off for no reason, anyway it was like a curse, my whole game was a series of 9 points, and i only got strikes in my last 2 shots. good thing though is that i won, so it wasn’t such a bad curse after all ๐Ÿ˜›
– We went out to the beach at Hammamet with some friends of ours, and it was pretty cool and good fun.
– We saw a number of cool movies: “Not Another Teen Movie” which was awesomely funny, “Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle” which was really good and better than the first one, “Pay It Forward” which was really nice, “Hulk” which had really good special effects but was a bit boring story-wise …etc.

I guess that about sums it all up…

AC in, Heat out :)

Well, yesterday was a good day, our AC finally got installed, and the bedroom became heavenly cool ๐Ÿ™‚
It really was worth the wait, and even though these days aren’t that hot in Tunisia, i just know we’ll be needing it more and more as we go further into July and then August, and hell starts opening its doors again…

It was a noisy procedure installing it, and one of the neighbours started shouting out of his balcony, but it’s ok, i just ignored him, which is something really easy to do with all that drilling noise. what annoys me most is that this guy is supposedly a distant relative of mine, and yet he’s the only one who made a fuss out of it…

So last night was the first night since summer began that we could sleep comfortably, in fact i was so comfy and loving it, i had a hell of a time trying to get out of bed and to work in the morning ๐Ÿ™
Don’t you hate work ??!!
Can’t wait to get home, get hold of my laptop and sit in bed doing whatever and enjoying the cool ๐Ÿ™‚

On another note, we rented a cool movie on Monday called “Say it isn’t so!”, it’s one of those fun movies to watch, featuring Heather Graham and one of the guys from the American Pie movies, quite enjoyable…

ATM Nightmares

Have you ever allowed yourself to spend every penny in your pocket, feeling safe that you have money in your bank account and that you can use your ATM card at any moment to get the cash you need ?
and have you ever gone to an ATM with an empty pocket and that feeling of safety only to be turned down because of a connection failure or whatever other reason and then hit by the fact that you’re totally out of money and that even though you have money in your bank account, you just can’t get to it ?
It’s one of the worst feelings ever, and it sucks like hell !

Well that’s part of my everyday life with my bank, i put my money in, spend the money i have, go to the nearest ATM (and every other one i know about), and it doesn’t give me anything !!!

What annoys me most is that it seems to only do it when i really need the money, when i’m really out of money, and when it’s a weekend, so i’m left with no solution to get my hands on some cash…

I’m seriously thinking of changing banks, the only problem is that i know it’ll be the same shit, just a different taste, so the big question is : am i ready to change the taste i’ve gotten so used to ? loooool…

Trinidad Club

We went out to a cool club in Gammarth on Saturday night called “Trinidad Club” with some of our friends.
It’s very stylish, very cool, very high class, and of course you can only imagine it’d also be very expensive, the thought that drove me close to a heart attack as soon as i walked through the door, especially as i only had 20 Dinars on me, lol…

The place has a swimming pool, a caf

Overcrowded Madness

Have you ever been to a place so overcrowded you end up stepping on your own toes ? Well, if not, then you obviously haven’t visited Carrefour in Tunisia (a Mega Mall we have here) on the first day of the month.
Everyone just got their paychecks, and they’re all out there at Carrefour to spend every millime (cent) of it like crazy on stuff they mostly don’t need, but are buying anyways because there’s a big red and yellow sign saying “PROMOTION” on it.

Suddenly, the laws of physics don’t apply anymore, and you actually can fit 15 adults in 1 square meter, not to mention their shopping carts and kids, who act as if this is the first time they actually step out their home doorstep and see what the outside world looks like, not wanting to miss one moment of it without proving to everybody how insanely active they are.

Another amazing phenomenon is what happens at the cash registers, it’s incredible how everyone totally believes they were standing in that queue before you or that they deserve to pass first, multiply that by 30 cash registers, and then believe me you’ll start thinking twice before using the word havoc in the future.

Oh well, i think its obvious i made the stupid mistake of going to Carrefour on this cursed shopping day, only to find that every other Tunisian beat me there, lol…
Anyway, i’m ok now, i just have this darn headache, a raging temper and god knows what else boiling inside of me !

Today was the first day in what we Tunisians call “S

Unbearable Heat

It’s incredible how wrong a person can be when he thinks: “Things can’t get any worse than this !”, coz they can, this heat seems to keep wanting to out-do itself day after day, making life miserable for us mortals…

Just came back from checking out a number of ACs and their prices, and well i feel like kicking myself in the head for not buying that unionaire AC in the beginning of the summer for half the price ACs are at now

I can’t help but fantasize of that cool Training room i spent most of my day in today, even if it meant having to answer an endless flow of questions about web site management by two people who shouldn’t be anywhere close to a website, lol…

Good thing i’ll be back there for more training on Wednesday, bad thing is i’ll have more questions to answer, so i’d better be ready and take my anti-stress pills (just kidding) ๐Ÿ˜›