Anger Management + Me

I rented the DVD for Anger Management last night, and I have to say that it’s the best Adam Sandler movie as yet, and in fact the best Comedy movie I’ve seen this year.
The movie is totally side-cracking hilarious, and I’ve already seen it twice.

Adam Sandler & Jack Nicholson are a great match. And John Turturro is amazing, he steals every scene he’s in and never fails to break me into laughter.

Everything in this movie is perfectly put together to make a fun and very enjoyable movie experience. A true must see.

Other than a great laugh and lots of fun, there’s something else I came out with from this movie, and that’s a diagnostic of myself ๐Ÿ˜›
The character of Buddy (played by Jack Nicholson) explains: “There is explosive and implosive anger. Explosive anger is the guy in the supermarket yelling at the cashier for not taking his coupons. Implosive anger is the cashier meekly submitting to his abuse — until one day he calmly shoots everyone in the store.”

And well, when thinking of it, I found out I’m of the implosive type.
Ok, I’ve known that about myself for a long time ๐Ÿ˜›
I’m the kind of person who people think is the calmest and most cold-blooded person on earth just because I don’t get angry quickly, but the thing is they don’t really know what’s going on behind that icy cold fa


I got to see “Gigli” a few days ago, a movie the critics slammed and made out to be one of the worst movies this year.

And well, i beg to differ.
It’s no blockbuster by all means, and no overwhelming experience, but it’s not nearly as bad as they pictured it to be.

It’s sort of a light nice movie you should just cruise through and try to enjoy for what it is.

Maybe the fact that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are in it, and that they are the hot topic in Hollywood, made expectations high for the movie, but well it’s not a really strong story so you can’t expect much more than what they gave it.

Kill Bill – Vol. 1

“Revenge is a dish best served cold !”
Now that’s the opening line of the movie, and from that early on, i knew i’d love it.

Yep, i saw Kill Bill – Vol. 1 last night, and i loved every second of it.
Tarantino is truly THE man.
His movies and style are just so unique and great.

I love what Quentin did with this movie.
You get all sorts of cool stuff going on, from moving back and forward in time, to switching to Japanese manga animation at times, to using black and white in a big combat scene, to fighting with the lights turned off, and mostly a lot of violence and gore.
The soundtrack is awesome and is a very important character in the movie.

The story is great and fun too. I’m always for good revenge stories.
All in all, this is one hell of a great movie, and i can’t wait to see Volume 2. Till then i’ll keep on watching this one over and over again ๐Ÿ˜‰

Pirates of the Carribean

Watched “Pirates of the Carribean” last night at last, after hearing about how great it is from everyone and anyone, and i have to say that i agree.

I’ve never been much into pirate movies and stuff, but this one is cool and fun.

Johnny Depp is great in this one. I’ve always liked his movies and his style, but this one shows a whole other side of him, and it’s great. He’s so funny and he dominates every scene he’s in.

The story is a light and fun one, very disney-like and quite different from other pirate movies i’ve seen, maybe that’s why it did very well.

The special effects looked good too, although most of it rotated around the skeleton pirates and all.

A must-see if you’re into cool fun light movies.

I might be watching Matrix Revolutions again tonight, so my opinion could change if, and only if, i find something that was worth me re-watching it ๐Ÿ˜‰
If that ever happens, i’ll post again about it ๐Ÿ˜›

Matrix Revolutions

So, i saw Matrix Revolutions yesterday as planned, and well here’s what i think.

Well, overall, i think it’s quite an ok movie, and a must see for people who started the trilogy, as this ends it all and kind of answers the questions you’ve carried on from the first 2 movies.
I do think the first 2 movies are better than this one though.

After coming out of the experience of watching Matrix 3 times and then Matrix Reloaded 5 times earlier in the year, i was awed, and it got my mind thinking about all these different possibilities and trying to find complex answers to the questions the movies threw on my back. Reading online forums and message boards only got me lost deeper into the complexity.
But this movie comes and gives us very simple answers to those questions, so simple in fact, you feel it’s stupid. I mean, for a movie with a ground-breaking idea and so much suspense and manufactered philosophy, you’d expect some truly great answers and stuff that would leave you thinking: “WOW”, “Damn ! How did they think of that ?!” or even “??!!!”. But you wouldn’t expect to be thinking : “That’s it ?!!”, “What the **** ??!” or “Oh ! How stupid !!!”.
So, story-wise, this movie made the whole thing not as magical and cool as we thought and wished it was.

No new ground-shattering special effects in this one either, just more and more of the stuff they created in the first 2 movies.
Fights, impact effects, flying (i hate it when Neo flies), …etc.
The scenes where the sentinels attack zion must have taken a lot of special effects work, and it looks good, but nothing really breath-taking.

Acting, well let’s admit it, movies like this aren’t about acting. So don’t expect much of it.

The music is more techno-like, and it’s quite good, although i didn’t pay much attention to it. I’ll try to listen out more for it if i watch the movie again.

Oh well, in short, it’s an ok movie, but well below my expectations for it.
I was wishing for something a lot more meaningful and philosophical.

Movies i’ve seen recently

Well, for people who know me or who have been reading my blog for a while, they know it’s virtually impossible for me to go through a week without watching a minimum number of movies, but i just realized that there are a number of good movies i’ve seen recently that i haven’t blogged about yet, so here goes…

How to lose a guy in 10 days
I really liked this movie, it’s one of the best romantic comedies i’ve seen lately.
The idea and the movie are very funny and true. Kate Hudson and Mathew McConaughey are perfect for the lead roles.
The kind of movie you wouldn’t get bored of watching more than once.

Sweet Home Alabama
Another romantic comedy which is quite good and sweet too. The kind of movie you’d watch once and like and that’s it.

Father of the bride : Parts 1 & 2
Now this is a great movie. Both the first and second movie are great and come at the same level. I loved it. Steve Martin is awesome in these two. A friend of mine told me about it years ago, and i only got to see it last week.
I love the style of the movie and the humour it has in it. I’d see it again and again anyday.

I have a feeling i’ve seen another movie that i’ve forgotten to mention. But well, if i remember what it was, i’ll update the blog ๐Ÿ™‚

Today, i’ll be seeing Matrix Revolutions (in French !!! AAARRRGGGHHHH !). Expect a post about it as soon as i’m done ๐Ÿ˜‰

Short Films

Yesterday as i was googling around for the names of people i know, i stumbled across the website for the Amman Filmmakers Cooperative, and to my amazement, i found a number of the short films were by people i know really well ๐Ÿ™‚

I downloaded the films they made and i truly enjoyed them.
Here is a list of the films by the people i know, with a little review and an insight on who the person is ๐Ÿ™‚

Books : by Ahmad Humeid
This is about Books@Caf

Magnolia + Treasure Planet

Saw 2 movies this weekend: “Magnolia” & Disney’s “Treasure Planet”.

I’ll just give a quick short review of both.

I liked the style in which this movie was shot. And it seemed very interesting to me how the story proceeded and developed, and how it switched between the characters, building links between them as it went along, and i was excited waiting for some sort of climax at the end, which is something i didn’t get.
I loved the part when all the characters were singing along to the same song, it’s my favourite moment in it all.
Anyway, now that i think of it, it’s quite a good movie after all. I just wish the story was a bit stronger to back the great direction.

Treasure Planet:
Hmmm, well now i know why this didn’t do that well. It doesn’t have enough of that Disney magic that we all got used to.
The Animation is great as usual, and the blending of 2D with 3D was great, but the story as it had become and the feelings weren’t strong enough to entirely carry the movie.
Anyway, as an animation fan, i liked it anyways, but it still doesn’t rank among my faves.
I think i heard that Disney have created a “Treasure Planet” ride in DisneyWorld, now that would be great, a lot better than the movie i think.

The Last Emperor

Now, this is one hell of a great movie.
I’ve seen the DVD sitting there in the video store for some time now, and i don’t know what made me choose to rent it this saturday only. I should’ve rented it a long time ago.

The movie is visually awesome; the wideshots, the places, the everything, it just takes you to that time and place and makes you live the story as it happened.
The story is touching and powerful and the acting is great.

I just read that it won 9 oscars (including the Best Picture Oscar), and i fully agree that it deserves every single one of them and more.

It’s a truly perfect movie that tells a great and moving story.

Plus, for a movie that was made back in 1987, the cinematography and photography are amazing and way ahead of their time. Even better than a lot of stuff we see these days.

I give it a hundred thumbs up. One of the best and most perfect movies i’ve seen in a while.

For more info click here.


So, i rented the Chouchou DVD today and got to see it.
It’s a movie about a North African immigrant to France who is a transvestite, his story, and how he finds romance.

This is based on one of the characters Gad El Maleh plays in his one-man-show “La Vie Normale”.

I honestly had higher expectations for this movie and expected it to be funnier and packed with more laughs. Anyway, all in all, it’s an ok movie, but nothing close to Gad’s hilarious shows.