Disconnecting for a couple of days…

I’ll be disconnecting from everyday life and getting out of the city for a couple of days to get rid of some stress, just relax, contemplate life and do some sight-seeing.

I won’t be posting anything until I’m back, so if you’re interested you can hit the archives and check out some of my older posts.

Hopefully I’ll be back with a bunch of photos, that I’ll share with you all of course.

Till then; Take care and have fun…

Prince Charles to plead Islam’s cause to US

The Prince of Wales will try to persuade George W Bush and Americans of the merits of Islam this week because he thinks the United States has been too intolerant of the religion since September 11.

The Prince, who is on an eight-day tour of the US, has voiced private concerns over America’s “confrontational” approach to Muslim countries and its failure to appreciate Islam’s strengths.

It is understood that Prince Charles did not – and does not – believe that the actions of 19 hijackers should tarnish the reputation of hundreds of millions of law-abiding Muslims around the world.

[Via: Thysdrus]
[Source: Telegraph]

Eid El-Fitr in Tunisia

So it’s confirmed that Eid El Fitr, the Islamic holiday that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, will be tomorrow in Tunisia.
Happy and blessed Eid to everyone.

This Eid is also called the small Eid in Tunisia, the big one being Eid El Adha.
Many traditions and practices are associated with this Eid in Tunisia, which I think is one of the most beautiful days of the year.

In the days before the Eid, all the fuss is about getting different varieties of traditional sweets, that will be served to the guests, and buying new clothes for the whole family to wear and celebrate the Eid in.

In the morning of the Eid, the Eid prayers are held in mosques all over the country, which are an amazing experience that starts with lots of supplications and chanting, that can be heard throughout the neighbourhoods, and is then followed by a sermon and prayers.
Before the Eid prayer begins Zakat al Fitr, a little charity, is distributed by every household depending on the number of it’s family members.

After that, the men and kids of the family, all dressed up in their new clothes, go out and start visiting and wishing a happy eid to members of the extended family tree and friends, making it a great chance to reconnect and reunite with the family and friends.
The only downside is that they get served sweets at every house and they have to take some, which means that they end up stuffed with sweets at the end of the day.

As for the women, they stay at home to receive the guests; the men and kids of other relatives.

The closer family then gets together over lunch or dinner at the family house, or the eldest member’s house. The meal in the Tunis area is in most cases either “Mloukhia” or “Madfoona”.

Children love this day because they are given gifts and money by their parents and the close family members they visit.

I personally love how this Eid brings families together and reunites them. I hope we had more days like in the year.
Like many others, I too always seem to feel a sense of nostalgia to the days of Ramadan.

May God give us all the opportunity to live through another Ramadan, and Eid Mubarak to everyone all over the world.
And as we say in Tunisia: Eidik Mabrouk & Sneen Dayma (Blessed eid & lasting years).

links for 2005-11-02

Happy Viagra Eid?!

Pharmacists across the Middle East are increasing their stocks of Viagra after reporting significant sales increases for the drug over the Eid El-Fitr festival in previous years.

Figures reveal that during the holiday period, a time when families gather to celebrate Eid, pharmacists have seen a three-fold rise in demand for Viagra, the leading erectile dysfunction (ED) medication which is manufactured by Pfizer.

The trend is common throughout the Middle East, with pharmacists in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar all noting similar sales patterns.

Interesting way to celebrate the Eid…
So we can be expecting a lot of squeaky beds throughout the Middle East these upcoming days ๐Ÿ˜›

[Via: Sabbah]
[Source: Al Bawaba]

The Corrs – Home

A couple of days ago while rushing through the supermarket to get some stuff for the break of fast, my eye caught the new Corrs album “Home” on the shelves of CDs. Being a fan of The Corrs and their style, I grabbed it in my way, popped it in the car cd player and have been listening to it while driving.

This album is a collection of traditional Irish songs with new contemporary interpretations by The Corrs, which explains the name “Home”.
The album also has two songs in Gaelic (“Buachaill On Eirne” and “Brid Og Ni Mhaille”) and two great instrumentals (“Old Hag”, “Haste to the Wedding”).

I really liked this album, although it might not be my favourite by the band. It’s mostly slower than their previous albums, with only the instrumentals and “Old Town” having upbeat tunes. And it doesn’t really sound that much like previous albums by The Corrs.

My favourite songs on this album are: “Old Town” (Which I’ve loved ever since I first heard it on their unplugged), “Spancill Hill”, “Old Hag”, “Haste to the Wedding” and “Buachaill On Eirne”.

If you’re a fan of The Corrs, of course you have to get this album, if you just liked a couple of their upbeat songs only, then maybe this one is not exactly for you.

I personally respect their choice to honour their Irish musical heritage with this album. I also can’t wait for their next album with their unique and beautiful style.

Oracle To Offer Free Database

Oracle will soon be announcing the beta release of Oracle 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE), which will be generally available by the end of the year. It is targeted at students, small organizations and software vendors that could embed the Oracle database with an application.

The free edition will be limited in usage though. It can only run servers with one processor, with 4GB of disk memory and 1GB of memory.

The new low-end edition is aimed squarely at free and open-source alternatives to Oracle’s namesake database.

It feels good to see giant arrogant software makers crumble a bit under the pressure of open source software and make them more consumer friendly.


Today, I went to the dentist’s for another one of my seemingly endless appointments for dental work. Sometimes I feel like I have some sort of membership card.

Anyway, as I entered the waiting room, I found this cute little 9 year old kid who was flipping through a French magazine, mainly focusing on the many pictures, flying by some and looking closer at some others.

I said hi and sat next to him and pulled a magazine from the stack too and started flipping through it myself.

The boy came across this perfume ad with a guy holding up this big snake, and he asked me: “How can he do that?”
I answered that I didn’t know, to avoid getting into the whole issue of it being a non-poisonous snake and how they can tell if a snake is poisonous or not, and I added that it looked scary, feeling a bit of responsibility there and not wanting him to go and try it if he comes across a snake someday. He agreed, so I felt reassured.

He then started pretending to read, even asking me about a word that I explained to him.

He continued flipping through his magazine, until he came by a picture of the president. He then told me about how he was in the car with his father the other day when they stopped them for the president to pass by.
And he asked me “Why can’t everyone meet him at anytime?”
I didn’t know what to answer, as I didn’t want to get into how and why the president is a very important person and all the security issues involved with his job, so I just told him that maybe there are certain times when he receives people and other times when he’s too busy.

He went on flipping through the pictures until he came across a picture of an American soldier holding a weapon in what looked like a war zone, maybe Iraq.
He asked me “Do you watch TV at night?”, pointing at the picture.
I said: “Do you mean the news?”
He answered “Yes, do you watch all the explosions and shooting?”
I said: “Yes, sometimes I do watch the news and I get to see things like that.”
He said: “I don’t like to watch it. It scares me. I like to watch cartoons.”
I said: “Cartoons are the best thing to watch. I like cartoons too.”

I then asked him what grade he was in at school, and he answered that he was in the third grade. Which made me know that he was a 9 year old, for you who wondered how I knew his age earlier.

He asked me: “And what grade are you in?”
I answered: “I finished school and now I work.”
He asked: “What do you do?”
I said, trying to stay as simple as possible: “I work with computers, I’m a programmer. Do you know the internet?”
He nodded, so I said: “I work on things on the internet.”
He asked me where I worked and so I told him that it was in the Lac region which he said he knew.

I then asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and he answered that he wanted to be a dentist.

Seconds after that his father walked out from the dentist’s office and the boy said bye and ran away to his father to go home, leaving me thinking about our litte conversation.

I admire how children think, how they analyze things, how they try to understand everything, how they break the barriers between people and start a conversation, how they’re not afraid to ask the questions in their minds, how they are spontaneous and just speak their mind, how they’re instinct guides them to know what’s wrong and what’s right, how they are very peaceful, how they seem to know what they want in life…etc.

I wish we would all listen more to our children and try to be more like them, for they really have more wisdom, purity and innocence than we do, they speak the truth as they see it, they hold our human values by instinct, they see the world the way it should be, they haven’t been twisted and changed by life, they’re simply what a perfect person should be like.

The world would be such a better and more beautiful place to live in if it were ruled by children or at least people who thought like them.