Quick Blog From WSIS

This is a live post from the Kram palexpo, where the World Summit on the Information Society is being held. I’m currently on a tour in the ICT4ALL section where countries and companies from all over the world have put up their shiny stands and presentations, scattered leaflets right and left…etc.

It’s been great meeting a number of old friends from other countries, as well as some new interesting people from all over the world.

There’s certainly a lot of interesting stuff and ideas floating around.

I’ll be taking some photos and writing more about this later, as I still have a lot to see and more people to meet.

Microsoft’s Free Desktop Applications

Although no specific plans have been made, it seems like executives within Microsoft are examining whether it makes sense to release ad-supported versions of products such as Works, Money, or even the Windows operating system itself.

This comes on the heels of the company’s announcement of Office Live and Windows Live, two products that will be ad-supported complements to its existing desktop software. Microsoft workers maintain that the software maker may be forced to go further if rivals launch ad-supported versions of popular programs such as PowerPoint.

I think it’s interesting that the world’s biggest software maker is thinking about this and slowly moving some of its software online.

It remains to be seen how far they go and how good a strategy this turns out to be in the end. It’s true that online advertising is more mature than it was a few years ago, but I’m still not so sure it’s mature enough to cover such ideas. Or maybe it’s ideas like this that will make it more mature by giving it more important and interesting properties to appear on.
I’m really interested in seeing how all this plays out.

‘Cool Mom’ gets 30 years for sex parties

A woman who authorities said had sex with high school boys during alcohol- and drug-fueled parties has been sentenced to 30 years in prison, US officials said.

Silvia Johnson, 41, described herself to investigators as a “cool mom” who “was never popular with classmates in high school” and who was beginning to feel like one of the group.

Authorities said Johnson held parties for the boys almost weekly between October 2003 and October 2004. They said Johnson provided drugs and alcohol to eight boys and had sex with five of them.

Cool mom?!
Just when you think you’ve heard the stupidest thing yet, something like this comes along…

[Via: CNN]

Technology: Simplicity vs. Complication

“Technology is a way to simplify a person’s life by complicating it.”

Just a thought that crossed my mind about how we keep on creating new ways to simplify our lives and become lazier, yet these same things end up complicating our life more and adding our dependancy on a number of gadgets, services, resources, sources …etc.

We create ways to move around freely and do anything from anywhere, as a way to feel some freedom, but in the end of the day we’re tying ourselves to all these devices and inventions, and putting ourselves at the mercy of them, their manufacturers, their sources…etc.

We create an illusion of simplicity and freedom while we dive deeper into complexity and tech-slavery.

Hung Up On Madonna

Man, I can’t get Madonna’s new song Hung Up out of my head.
It’s one of those infectuous tunes and songs that just stick to you and keep going on constant rotation in your head.

It’s off her new album Confessions on a Dance Floor, which will be released tomorrow and is a really cool album with a disco / dance touch.
My favourite songs off the album are: Hung Up, Push, Sorry, Jump, Get Together. Even though the rest of the songs are cool too.

The thing I love about Madonna is how she re-invents herself with every album, setting new trends in the music business, raising the bar and always one step ahead of the pack.

She just rocks!

I totally recommend the single Hung Up and the album Confessions on a Dance Floor for all music lovers.


Last night we watched Crash, featuring a great cast with Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, Sandra Bullock, Brendan Fraser, Thandie Newton, Ryan Phillippe and a number of other talented actors.

I first heard about this movie when Jason reviewed it, and I thought it sounded like a cool movie.
And well it didn’t let me down, it’s a really interesting and good movie, that I truly enjoyed. It’s one of those movies where Hollywood actually does things right.

The movie is about several characters of different racial backgrounds who collide in one incident, The different stereotypes society has created for those backgrounds affect their judgment, beliefs and actions, in turn causing problems for each of them.

It’s one of those movies that takes bits and pieces of different people’s lives and then ties them all up together at some point.
It reminds me of Magnolia, only I really liked this one better.

The casting was great and all the actors did a very good job. Talking of that, did I ever say that I really like Don Cheadle? He’s a really talented and great actor.

I really recommend this movie for people who enjoy a good, interesting and well-done movie.

My rating for this movie is: 8/10.

Internet Connection Problems…

The WSIS starts in a few days, and Tunisia has been preparing to show how successful it can and will be at hosting such big and important events.

But, unfortunately, big events like this come with a downside for the internet users of Tunisia.

2 years ago when Tunisia hosted the ICANN meetings; A big share of the national bandwidth was allocated to the hotel the meetings were being held at, as well as the hotels the guests were staying at. This at a time when those places weren’t even covered by broadband connections yet.

That left the rest of Tunisia with really bad internet connections. People at home found it impossible to surf the net, and companies who had leased lines or adsl felt like they were connected through a 56K modem.

It’s a shame that with the WSIS this year, the same problem is happening all over again.
For this past week, connecting through dialup has been near to impossible, and the supposedly higher speed connections have become a lot slower.

I know it’s important that we have high speed internet in the Kram Palexpo and in the hotels the guests are staying at, but we need the internet too, and those connections shouldn’t be provided at our expense.

In the end, this highlights one of the big problems poorer countries face, which is high bandwidth prices, limiting how much they can buy, and making them unable to provide wide-spread higher speed connections at good prices for their citizens.
I hope a solution will be found for this in the summit, for it is one of the main reasons behind the digital divide between countries.

[More (in French): Infinity]

Batman Begins

At last, I got to watch “Batman Begins”, a movie I’ve been wanting to see even before its release.

Before its release, I wasn’t expecting something really big, but then the reviews started coming in and they were positive, which made me want to see it even more.
And well, I wasn’t dissapointed at all, I have to say that I think this is one of the best Batman movies up to now.

As with all superhero movies, the part I love most is the beginning, so this movie hit that spot with me, and then went on developing the character in an interesting way.
The thing about Batman is that he’s unlike other superheroes who either come from another planet or go through a freak accident that gives them supernatural powers. Batman is like every one of us, he’s a normal human being, who is using an alter ego called “Batman” and a bunch of cool gadgets.
So, really Batman is closer to James Bond than he is to your regular superhero, and he’s easier to connect to.

Christian Bale is a good actor and he did a nice job as Batman. He was a good casting choice and I hope he goes on with the role in the future movies.

Something I found amusing in this movie is the name of Liam Neeson’s character “Ras Al Ghul”, which is in Arabic, and means “The head of the monster”.

My rating for this movie would be: 8/10.


Yesterday, we finally got to watch “Robots”, an animation from Fox studios, about a really cool robot world.

In this robot world, a young idealistic inventor travels to the big city to join his inspiration’s company, only to find himself opposing its evil new management and bringing hope back to the robots.

This is one of my favourite non-Pixar animations, putting Fox studios right behind them and ahead of Dreamworks.

It’s really well done, the story is a nice one, enjoyable by kids and grown-ups alike, the humor is good, and the characters are cute too.

I also like the message they’re trying to pass through the movie, that one should never lose hope, work hard and persevere, until they make their dreams come true.

I personally really enjoyed this movie and recommend it for everyone who’s into animation.

My rating for this movie would be: 8.5/10.