A Question To American Taxpayers

Did you know the United States awards Israel over $5 billion in aid each year?

Did you know that Israel receives its annual foreign aid appropriation during the first month of the fiscal year, instead of in quarterly installments as do other recipients? This enables Israel to invest the money in U.S. Treasury notes. That means that the U.S., which has to borrow the money it gives to Israel, pays interest on the money it has granted to Israel in advance, while at the same time Israel is collecting interest on the money.

Did you know that US aid to Israel accounts for $14,346 for each man, woman and child in Israel?

Did you know that Israel has never been required to repay a U.S. government loan? Most U.S. loans to Israel are forgiven, on other loans, Israel was expected to pay the interest and eventually to begin repaying the principal.

Did you know that, excluding all of these extra costs, America’s $84.8 billion in aid to Israel from fiscal years 1949 through 1998, and the interest the U.S. paid to borrow this money, has cost U.S. taxpayers $134.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation?

Did you know that therefore the nearly $14,630 every one of 5.8 million Israelis received from the U.S. government by Oct. 31, 1997 has cost American taxpayers $23,240 per Israeli?

Don’t you ever wonder why you Americans have to pay all this money to Israel, which it uses to buy and manufacture weapons to occupate other people’s land, defying international laws, and to kill and terrorize hundreds and thousands of innocent people?

Interesting reads:
The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers by Richard Curtiss.
Did You Know?

Nabaztag: The Smart WiFi Bunny

wifibunny.jpgFrench company Violet has released a cool Wi-Fi Bunny by the name of Nabaztag, which means rabbit in Armenian.

The plastic bunny, which stands 23 cm tall and has a white cone-like body that lights up when it speaks, with ears like TV antennae can read out e-mails, mobile phone text messages and news, tell children to go to bed, wake you up alert one to how the stock market is doing, provide weather reports, give traffic updates and tell you about air quality in your city by receiving Internet feeds via a wireless Wi-Fi network.

Nabaztag costs 115 euros in France, 80 pounds in Britain and $150 in the United States. It is made in Shenzhen, China.

I think it’s a pretty cute, cool and interesting gadget with really nice features and capabilities.
I didn’t come across these when I was in Paris last march or I might have been lured into buying one.

For more details about the bunny, check out this review at : Come Across.

Soft Drink Ingredients Disclosure Necessary

First, a news bit from India…

India’s top court has asked the local subsidiaries of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to disclose the ingredients in the soft drinks they sell, amid allegations that they contain high levels of pesticide.

A New Delhi-based independent research body said it found pesticide residue in samples of Coke and Pepsi that was 24 times above the limits set by the Bureau of Indian Standards, and 30 to 36 times higher than European Union standards.

A petition filed in the Supreme Court said that the drinks “contained highly toxic, acidic and addictive ingredients dangerous for human consumption,” and that the consumer had a right to know about the contents.

The toxins found in the soft drinks could, if consumed over a long period, cause cancer, birth defects and damage to the nervous system, the Centre for Science and Environment said in a report released last week.

[More: India wants to know Coke, Pepsi ingredients]

I don’t think this is a problem that solely concerns India. I’m sure the problem exists elsewhere, and maybe even here in Tunisia.

I personally think that all soft drink companies should disclose the ingredients they use in their soft drinks, not just in India, but everywhere, and these ingredients should be closely studied by the health authorities of each country.

I’m sure that when these companies say that the soft drinks they manufacture and sell in every country “comply with stringent international norms and all applicable national regulations”, it’s not always truly the case.

In most cases, a local company gets the license to manufacture a certain soft drink, and even though I guess they have to go through a number of tests at the beginning, I’m not sure there are constant inspections that assure the quality of the product is the same and that the ingredients being used are at the accepted levels at all times.

I think this responsibility falls upon the mother company that is licensing its brand and has to protect it from being abused, and on the local authorities who have to make sure every product on the market is healthy and safe for consumption by the public.

[Thanks to Sulaphat for the article link.]

Boss Bitching: For Your Worst Boss Stories

BossBitchingBoss Bitching is a simple, cool, user driven website that allows anonymous postings of stories about bosses. Posts can be made about a current boss or someone from a previous job.

Complainers can categorize their bosses by archetype and visitors to the site get to read and rate the bosses, choosing between three responses.
Users can receive updates of the most popular posts through RSS.

Boss Bitching was conceived by someone who identifies himself as Unknown Tech Guy. It seems BossBitching is the first of a series of services that will be launched under the UberBitching brand.

It’s quite a simple idea that should help some people relieve themselves of the desire to ramble about their bosses.
I’m not that kind of person really, but it could be fun to read some posts every now and then, when I’m in that kind of mood, which isn’t very often, but well…

MySpace Sucks!

I just don’t get what this whole craze surrounding MySpace is all about?!

It has become one of the most popular websites on the internet, it has gobbled up 80% of the social networking market, it was sold to Murdoch for $600 millions dollars, Google just inked a $900 million advertising deal with them, …etc.
And yet, I can’t see why??!

To me all it looks like is a pile of crap thrown together on page after page of useless flashing unorganized garbage with shitty eye-unfriendly design.
Even the social networking side of it sucks.

I just don’t get why it has become so popular and why people are so obsessed with it.

Please if anyone has any clue why it is supposed to be so cool, I beg you to enlighten me. It’s just beyond me at this point.

To me: MySpace simply sucks big time!

The Case for Boycotting Israel

“It is finally time. After years of internal arguments, confusion, and dithering, the time has come for a full-fledged international boycott of Israel.

Good cause for a boycott has, of course, been in place for decades, as a raft of initiatives already attests. But Israel’s war crimes are now so shocking, its extremism so clear, the suffering so great, the UN so helpless, and the international community’s need to contain Israel’s behavior so urgent and compelling, that the time for global action has matured.

A coordinated movement of divestment, sanctions, and boycotts against Israel must convene to contain not only Israel’s aggressive acts and crimes against humanitarian law but also, as in South Africa, its founding racist logics that inspired and still drive the entire Palestinian problem.”

Virgina Tilley, The Case for Boycotting Israel

Read On: The Case for Boycotting Israel.

[Via: KabobFest]

MyTobii P10 Eye Tracking PC

MyTobii P10Swedish company Tobii is about to release its MyTobii P10, a PC that can be controlled by tracking your eye movements using its own proprietary hardware and software.

Follow a calibrating dot on the screen with your eyes for 30 seconds, and then you’ll be able to control this PC without touching it at all. What’s even more remarkable tis that the company has figured out how to make this work in almost any lighting conditions, and even if you wear glasses.

The ability to mount the pc to a desk, bed or wheelchair should prove very helpful for people with disabilities.

The first version of this PC will cost around $17,000.
With that kind of money you could actually hire someone to follow your eye movements and then do whatever you want for you instead. But well it’s a cool technology and hopefully with time the price tag will shrink to something more reasonable and affordable.

[Via: Gizmodo]