Israeli Quotes

The Israeli Chief of Staff, Moshe Ya’alon, was quoted as saying on Saturday Israel will continue to demolish homes in Rafah, irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks.

“In the past, we destroyed many homes, and apparently we will destroy many more homes in the future.”

As for Dan Gaillerman, Israel’s UN ambassador, he says:

“The resolution did not call on Israel to stop its activity and did not call on Israel to stop the demolition of houses”

In addition to that, two senior Israeli officials say the number of homes destroyed by occupation forces in the southern Gaza Strip is being exaggerated.

Deputy PM Ehud Olmert and Israel’s ambassador to the US, Daniel Ayalon, went so far as to accuse some Palestinians in the Rafah refugee camp of damaging or demolishing their own houses.

Asked why Palestinian homeowners would destroy their own property, Ayalon replied:

“Maybe they are painting, I don’t know, or wanted to do some renovations and this is a good way to do it.”

As for Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council, he says:

“…a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail”

Words Women Use…

This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

This is the calm before the storm. This means “something,” and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with ‘Nothing’ usually end in “Fine”

This is a dare, not permission. Don’t do it.

This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A “Loud Sigh” means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over “Nothing”

This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. “That’s Okay” means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you’re welcome.

This is so funny and true…
Thanks to my friend Ahmad for forwarding this to me.

Chalabi’s Fall

So Chalabi, the favourite US toy in Iraq for the past few years, who had all the support of the pentagon and US government and was expected to be installed as the next Iraqi president has now simply burned out.

A few days ago, the US announced they’d be stopping secret payments to the Iraqi National Congress (INC), headed by Ahmad Chalabi.

And yesterday his home and office were raided by the Iraqi police and American troops seeking evidence of fraud, embezzlement and kidnapping by members of his Iraqi National Congress – and perhaps an explanation of his dealings with Iranian intelligence.

Now we all know that he is a crook. He’s even sentenced to prison in Jordan for embezzlement.
And we all know that he was lying all along and providing fabricated and wrong information to the US.
And we all know that Iraqis hate him, feel no connection with him, and that he has no following on the ground.
So is it possible that the US and the CIA are only realizing this now?!
Or maybe at first, they didn’t care because he was telling them what they wanted to hear, but now that things have turned sour, they want to hold him accountable for it?

Anyway, now he’s lying some more by engaging in a political war with the US administration and saying that all this is happening because he’s asking for the US to give full sovereignty to the Iraqis and leave.
But, that’s obviously a load of bullshit. He’s just trying to win the people on his side.

I think this is the end for Chalabi and that he should just run back to where he was hiding while he still can.
He’s a total disgrace to his country.

Arab Summit Tomorrow

So, the Arab Summit will be taking place this weekend in Tunis.

Tunis is looking ever so beautiful. The flags of the Arab countries are flapping on every major street, trees have been trimmed, grass has been cut, beautiful flowers are everywhere, and all is perfect.

Security is high and tight already and a big part of downtown Tunis around the location of the summit will be totally sealed off starting this afternoon.

I’m curious to see what Arab leaders will come out with after this summit. There’s a lot of talk about reform of the Arab league and of the Arab countries, human rights, woman’s rights and more which is very interesting, but I’m not sure there can be one formula that fits for all Arab countries.

Whatever they come out with, I just hope this summit won’t be a failure and a dissapointment to the Arab people as all the previous summits were.

Tunisia wants to make this summit a successful and useful one and that gives me some hope.

Israeli War Crimes in Rafah & Gaza

Scenes of grief and desolation in Rafah.

Rafah and Gaza continue to experience ongoing Israeli military operations at this very moment !

Israel has killed more than 30 Palestinians this week, demolished buildings and homes, purposely targeted peaceful protesters (most of them children) and terrorized people.

The United Nations passed a resolution condemning the killing of Palestinian civilians in southern Gaza and calling on Israel to stop demolishing homes there.
Incredibly the US did not veto this resolution and simply abstained.
But what difference does all this make on the ground?
Words and useless resolutions don’t do anything for the people being killed and their families.
Action has to be taken to stop these acts of crime and state terrorism!

The Electronic Intifada urges all concerned people to contact international and government officials to demand immediate action to halt Israel’s assault on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Israel is in the process of committing major war crimes with total impunity…

Kill Bill 2

So, I finally got to see Kill Bill 2. And well, no need for me to say how good it was and all, you already know that by default.

This movie doesn’t have as much gore and violence as the first one and focuses more on the characters, which I thought was good.
But even though it cuts down the violence, the movie still moves on at the same pace and keeps you at the same level of excitement.
It only slows down towards the end and stops short of giving you the big ending you’d expect, which kind of bugged me.

I also found some kind of humour in it, or maybe I’m just weird ๐Ÿ˜›

The cinematography and photography is perfect and unique, it plays a really big role in the how the movie sucks you in.

Overall, it’s a great movie, and I really enjoyed it.
I’m surely going to talk my wife into watching it so that I can see it again with her ๐Ÿ˜›

Childless couple told to try sex

A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they are still childless – they weren’t having sex.

The University Clinic of Lubek said they had never heard of a case like it after examining the couple who went to see them last month for fertility tests.

Doctors subjected them to a series of examinations and found they were both apparently fertile, and should have had no trouble conceiving.

A clinic spokesman said: “When we asked them how often they had had sex, they looked blank, and said: “What do you mean?”.

“We are not talking retarded people here, but a couple who were brought up in a religious environment who were simply unaware, after eight years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary to procreate.”

The 30-year-old wife and her 36-year-old husband are now being given sex therapy lessons while the university clinic undertakes a study to try to find out if there are more couples with a similar lack of sex education.

[Source: Ananova]

Now that is simply hilarious, lol…

Yet the issue of sexual education is a very serious one. A lot of people know little to nothing about sex, especially in poorer countries or ones with a strict and conservative education system.

Although this has no immediate threat to mankind, it still can be the reason behind many problems in these people’s lives. Many divorces or marital problems are due to the lack of sexual education in the couple.

I think that governments should moderately introduce some aspects of sex education in schools.
This matter shouldn’t be left for teenagers to discover accidentally by hearing from someone or stumbling across some porn movie.

US stops paying Chalabi

The United States is stopping secret payments to the Iraqi National Congress (INC), headed by Ahmad Chalabi, finding that the information it has provided is useless.

The monthly payments of $335,000 dollars made through the Defence Intelligence Agency began in 2002.

They will end 30 June, when the scheduled “transfer of power” from US-led occupying forces to an Iraqi government takes place, an official with Chalabi’s group told the New York Times on Tuesday.

Totalling at least $27 million, the classified programme helped the INC gather intelligence in Iraq, but internal reviews by the US government have found that much of the information provided before the US-led invasion last year was useless, misleading or fabricated.

[Source: Al Jazeera]

So finally, the US have realized that Chalabi has been lying to them and pulling their leg all along for his own benefit.
It just makes me think where the word “Intelligence” comes from in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Reuters, NBC Staff Abused by U.S. Troops in Iraq

U.S. forces beat three Iraqi reporters working for Reuters and subjected them to sexual and religious taunts and humiliation during their detention last January in a military camp near Falluja, the three said on Tuesday.

The three first told Reuters of the ordeal after their release but only decided to make it public when the U.S. military said there was no evidence they had been abused, and following the exposure of similar mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad.

An Iraqi journalist working for U.S. network NBC, who was arrested with the Reuters staff, also said he had been beaten and mistreated, NBC said on Tuesday.

Two of the three Reuters staff said they had been forced to insert a finger into their anuses and then lick it, and were forced to put shoes in their mouths.

All three said they were forced to make demeaning gestures as soldiers laughed, taunted them and took photographs. They said they did not want to give details publicly earlier because of the degrading nature of the abuse.

The U.S. military, in a report issued before the Abu Ghraib abuse became public, said there was no evidence the Reuters staff had been tortured or abused. Yeah Right!

[Source: Reuters]

Miss Lebanon 2004 on LBC

So, in the ever growing madness of reality tv, Lebanese TV station LBC has gone on to reinvent the Miss Lebanon competition as a reality tv show allowing people to watch the contestants living together, eating breakfast, talking, fighting and all the reality tv blah blah.

This started last year and they’re doing it again this year. I only caught it this year because last year we didn’t have satellite channels at home and so were disconnected from all the nice bullshit they offer.

I haven’t taken the time to watch the girls living together because that doesn’t really interest me much.
But, I caught the first prime in which 2 nominees were kicked out and the one everyone hated remained.

And well, I think that the idea of having primes isn’t that bad and actually makes the beauty competition more fun than it used to be.
It gives more control to people to vote for the contestants who always vote for the best looking, and as this already is a beauty competition, the whole concept of viewers voting suddenly works.
It also allows perverts to watch these girls over and over again in each and every prime instead of just seeing them once in the old competition, lol…

Anyway, I can imagine how horrible a nightmare it could be watching these girls living together.

[Link: Miss Lebanon 2004]
[Other opinions: AquaCool, Beirut-Beyrouth]