Now that’s talent!
Nesma Abd El Aziz is a great and very talented Egyptian xylophone player. She truly portrays how an often ignored musical intrument from the percussion family like the xylophone can do some truly beautiful wonders.
I first got to know her music sometime around last year when I caught the video for her first song called “Tico Tico”. It was so beautiful, cool, light, lifting and fun.
And yesterday, I came across her second video for her new song “Foga”. It’s as much fun and as great as the first one.
I think it’s great to have people like her in the Arab music scene, people who add style, class and amazing talent.
It’s good to come across someone like this in between all the rubbish there is in the music industry these days. It gives hope.
I truly enjoy her music and will be hunting her material down. And I recommend that anyone who loves music check her stuff out too. You’ll surely love it.