10,000 Iraqis killed. 773 US soldiers dead.
[Via: L’Oeil de la Certitude]
“If the president is reelected, it will be seen as a mandate for war
“This may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it — that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.”
Hunter S. Thompson
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
November 1972
[Via: Billmon]
I finally got around to installing and testing Google Desktop, and what can I say but WOW.
It’s very easy and straight-forward to install. It starts indexing files, emails and web history in the pc idle time and enables you to search through them all in lightning speed.
You can even let it index your chat sessions for future searches.
It’s amazing.
I’m already using it for all my searches through my emails and files. It’s so fast and effective, it beats any of the built-in search functionalities.
It’s Google doing it’s wonders on your desktop.
Another big thank you to the guys at Google for the great software they’re making for us.
United Arab Emirates Founder and President Sheikh Zayid bin Sultan Al Nahyan has passed away at the age of 86 after a long struggle with illness, Abu Dhabi state television announced last night.
Sheikh Zayid was behind the unity of the 7 emirates that make up the UAE in 1971, and has been one of the greatest arab leaders throughout the years.
May he rest in peace.
Inna Lillah wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’oon.
So today is the day of truth.
Today the whole world will know who they’ll be hating for the next 4 years ๐
Just kidding, although it does turn out that way most of the times.
The person who wins the US election today gets to lead the world’s only super power for the next 4 years, and the rest of the world comes as an accessory of course.
We have really come to a stage where the US elections matter more to people than their own elections in their own countries, simply because the US elections affect them and their lives more.
The president of the USA is basically the president of the world as we know it today, even though most of the world don’t get anything to say about who they would like to see heading the world.
From where I stand, there is no difference between Bush and Kerry when it comes to the issues I care about most, those being the issues of peace in the middle east and this whole anti-Islamic movement.
So, the way I see it, the next 4 years will be more of the same stuff again and again, if not even worse.
I’m not being pessimistic, I’m just being realistic. I’ve watched what the 2 candidates have to say for a long time and there’s nothing I see that makes either one better than the other or that makes the vision of the world in the 4 coming years more optimistic.
Unlike in 2000 when I really thought Al Gore would have been a better president for the US and a better leader for the world.
Anyway, I’m generally more inclined towards the Democrats than the Republicans, so maybe if Kerry wins, the people around him will be better than the people around Bush.
Can’t wait to see who actually wins this time around.
I’m expecting Bush to win a second term, but well let’s just wait and see…
Osama bin Laden, reading a statement to the American people in a new videotape aired Friday, directly admitted for the first time that he ordered the Sept. 11 attacks and said “the best way to avoid another Manhattan” was to stop threatening Muslims’ security…
He accused President Bush of “misleading” the American people since the 2001 suicide airline hijackings that hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
“Your security is not in the hands of (Democratic candidate John) Kerry or Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your own hands,” bin Laden said.
I expected something would popup a few days before the election to sway the US voters to one side or the other.
It would either be something from Al Qaeda threatening the US and swaying the votes towards Bush or lots of shit erupting in Iraq swaying them towards Kerry.
It seems Al Qaeda chose to endorse Bush, confirming the old post on Why Al-Qaeda wants President Bush to be re-elected.
Anyway, according to recent polls, it doesn’t seem to have made too big of an effect. But who believes polls.
We’ll only know when the votes are in tomorrow and the numbers start rolling out.
So, bin Laden supposedly admits to 9/11 (here).
I guess people are starting to ask too many questions about the events of that day – what better way to throw folks off the scent than a ‘confession from the accused’.
Okay, here’s a few questions I’d like ‘criminal mastermind’ bin Laden to answer:
Answers on a postcard please.
[Via: Jalan-Jalan]
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