Computers Make You Blind

We all know that prolonged computer use can cause RSI, back trouble, high blood pressure and steam to vent from both ears, but it appears that’s the least of our worries, because we’ll soon all be blind and that will be an end to it.

According to a Japanese study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, watching a computer screen for nine or more hours a day may contribute to the onset of glaucoma – a nasty disease which progressively damages the optic nerve and eventually leads to blindness.

The researchers – led by Dr Masayuki Tatemichi of Toho University School of Medicine – tested the eyesight of a total of 10,000 staff at four Japanese companies. They found that 522 of their guinea pigs demonstrated “visual field abnormalities” – aka “sight defects” to the man in the street.

The scientists reckon there is a significant link between these defects and heavy computer use by those who are also long or short-sighted. Furthermore, 165 of those demonstrating visual field abnormalities already showed signs of glaucoma – especially those suffering from short-sightedness.

The main conclusion of the study is: short-sighted heavy computer users are most at risk from developing glaucoma.

My main conclusion is: I’m doomed!

[Source: The Register, Guardian]

Margaret Hassan Believed To Be Killed

Margaret Hassan, a kidnapped aid worker in Iraq, was believed murdered after Al Jazeera television said last night it had received a video showing a hooded militant shooting a blindfolded woman in the head.

Hassan, Irish-born and with dual British and Iraqi nationality, was seized by gunmen on her way to work in western Baghdad early in the morning.

She headed CARE International’s operations in Iraq and had lived with her husband in the country for 30 years.

Hassan’s family in London said they believed she was the victim in the video, and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said analysis of the video showed Hassan has “probably been murdered”.

Hassan’s husband, Tahseen Ali Hassan, said he had heard of the video but did not know whether it was authentic.

This is just so wrong!
This has nothing to do with resistance.
This woman was a peaceful woman working in an aid organization trying to help the people of Iraq. In other words, she’s on the Iraqi side. Nothing justifies kidnapping and killing her.
These actions are stupid, barbaric and unacceptable. They must stop!

Writing A Short Story…

Last night, while watching Rocky 2 on Channel 2, I sat down with my laptop and started writing what I intended to be a blog post for today.

Anyway, as I started writing, ideas started popping up in my head, some old and some new, and I went on writing and writing.

So, I dumped the idea of writing a blog post and moved on to the thought of writing a short story. I don’t know if it’ll grow even more than that though. It all depends on the characters I’ve just started creating and what happens to them.

I’ve been toying with the thought of writing for a while now, and have had many ideas come and go, but there’s this one idea that I really like which I’ll be trying to work into what I’ve started writing now.

I hope I stick to it and carry it through to the end though.

My dear wife already got a sneak preview last night, and she seems to like it, so that’s encouraging.

Anyway, if I’m really happy with how it starts shaping out to be in the coming days, I might start posting some of it here for you guys to give me your feedback.

Canadian Alternative

Apparently a lot of Americans frustrated with Bush’s re-election are starting to think that the grass is greener north of the border, Canada.

The Canadian immigration Web site had 115,000 hits the day after the election — from the U.S. alone. Usually, they only get 20,000 hits.

There was so much interest that a Vancouver-based Internet company, Communicopia, set up a new Web site this month — — to suggest Canada as a viable option for its American clients, including anyone concerned about constitutional bans on gay marriage passed in 11 U.S. states this month.

Another Web site urges Canadians: “Open your heart, and your home. Marry an American. Legions of Canadians have already pledged to sacrifice their singlehood to save our southern neighbours from four more years of cowboy conservatism.”

Continue reading Canadian Alternative

Eid Mubarak

Well, time has flown by as it usually does and Ramadan with all it’s holiness and glory has come to an end.

The Eid in Tunisia was on Sunday, so we also got Monday off from work.

I didn’t get a chance to blog in the weekend, so although this is a bit late I wish all of you had a great Eid.

Eid Mubarak ๐Ÿ™‚

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes.

Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obsession with National Security
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
9. Corporate Power is Protected
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections

[Details: Rense]

Now, doesn’t that remind you of a certain regime a certain Mr. Bush is leading?

MSN to Tempt Bloggers with Traffic and Ads

After Google opened up their AdSense program to bloggers, MSN seems to be following in it’s footsteps.

Susan Mernit blogs that MSN Network GM told Mark Glaser how Microsoft might work with bloggers in the future…

“If you’re a blogger, MSN might come to you and say, ‘We want to distribute you. We’ll send you traffic and we want you to run these ads on your site, and you’ll get a share of revenues on that. That’s probably an offer that many bloggers are going to be interested in because they don’t want to have to invest in creating that kind of infrastructure, and they would value the traffic.”

This is very interesting news.
Anyway I’d like to know how MSN are planning on sending traffic to bloggers?
Will they be playing around with their search engine so that bloggers who are in their program get listed high in the search results?

[Via: Mental Mayhem, Micro Persuasion]