links for 2005-04-07

In Florida: Shoot First, Think Later

Weird law in Jeb Bush’s state…

Florida’s legislature has approved a bill that would give residents the right to open fire against anyone they perceive as a threat in public, instead of having to try to avoid a conflict as under prevailing law.

Outraged opponents say the law will encourage Floridians to open fire first and ask questions later, fostering a sort of statewide Wild West shootout mentality.

Republican Governor Jeb Bush, who has said he plans to sign the bill, says it is “a good, commonsense, anti-crime issue.”

The bill is supported by the influential National Rifle Association.

[Source: Yahoo! News]

I think this law is absurd.
This basically gives people the right to go on and shoot whoever they feel like, under the pretext that they thought he/she was a threat.

I don’t see what’s so common-sense and anti-crime in it!
It seems the Bush family has an obsession with the wild west and stupid decisions.

LinkLog Changes

As some of you might have noticed, I’ve taken the LinkLog off the sidebar and replaced it with daily inline posts of the interesting links I find while surfing the web.

I did this because I wanted to share more of the links I find with you guys in a more practical way.

I hope you’re enjoying the links more this way.
If you have any suggestions about anything in the blog, please do let me know.

links for 2005-04-06


Is there such a thing as absolute truth?

People always seem to have different perceptions of what the truth is. There are always different sides and versions of every story, different points of view, and every version is further interpreted in various ways by the people learning of it.
So how can there be one absolute truth? How can anyone ever be sure which version is the true one? How can anyone be sure that their intrepretation of the truth is true?

I guess the only things we can be sure are absolutely true are things that are fixed, invariable, unalterable facts that can be unquestionably proven one way or the other.

Other than that, truth is pretty relative, as it depends on how you look at things, which strips it of its right to be called truth and makes it more of a belief.

People mostly just believe that some things are true or right without them having to be.

Israel Exposes Palestinians to Killer Radiations

Action AlertRead and spread this…

Amidst stark warnings of potential outbreak of chronic and deadly diseases, Israeli occupation troops have recently set up a “radioactive” glass room at the main Rafah crossing through which Palestinians have to pass to enter or exit the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian medics said that potential diseases include thrombocytopenic, sterility, congenital anomalies, cancer, leukemia, mental retardation and ductless glands disorder, warning that Palestinians are slipping toward slow death.

“I was forced by Israeli occupation troops to enter this scary room-like radiating device, which consists of glass and barbed wire,” Mohammad Al-Sadoudi, 40, says.

Walid Al-Salhi, the director of preventive security at the Rafah crossing, said the room is made of lead-coated glass and is holding inside it a one-meter high cylinder-shaped device.

“Doctors warned that this device produces life-threatening, bone-piercing rays and Israeli troops can easily see the body parts of Palestinians, using the infra-red technology,” Salhi said.

[More: Islam Online, GCMHP]
[Via: The Black Iris]

Tunisian Blogger Meetup

I’m trying to organize the first Tunisian Blogger Meetup this month.

The initial feedback I’ve had from some bloggers for the when and where for the meetup is as follows:

When? The time some suggested and that seems to be good for everyone up to now is a friday afternoon after work. I’m thinking something like 7:30PM on April 22nd.

Where? The main places that were suggested are:

– Downtown Tunis (e.g. L’Etoile du nord).
– Les Berges du Lac (e.g. Biwa)
– Sidi Bou Said (e.g. Sidi Chabaane Caf

links for 2005-04-04