Fifth Tunisian Blogger Meetup

So, upon the invitation of Adib, the next Tunisian blogger meetup will be held on Saturday, August 13th in Kelibia, or paradise as Adib likes to call it ๐Ÿ˜‰

The programme includes having lunch at El Mansoura restaurant, which is on the beach right next to the water, swimming in Kelibia’s heavenly sea, soaking up some sun on it’s beautiful white beaches, playing some beach soccer and drinking some tea with pine nuts at the Caf

Tuninter Plane Crashes In Mediterranean Sea

An ATR-72, a twin-engine, propeller-driven aircraft, operated by Tuninter, a subsidiary of TunisAir that operates internal and short-distance flights, crashed into the mediterranean sea, just off the coast of Sicily, yesterday afternoon.

The plane had reported an engine problem around 3:20 p.m. and tried to make an emergency landing at Palermo’s airport, but it went into the sea 20 minutes later, according to Italian air traffic control officials.

The Tuninter aircraft was headed from Bari in southeastern Italy to the Tunisian island of Djerba, a popular destination for European tourists.

Rescuers have saved at least 23 of the 38 people on board.
Thirteen people have been confirmed dead, and another two are missing.

Our condolences to the families of the people who were lost in this crash.
May God rest their souls in peace.

[More: CNN]

Masturbation Cuts Cancer Risk

Men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation, researchers suggest.

They say cancer-causing chemicals could build up in the prostate if men do not ejaculate regularly.

And they say sexual intercourse may not have the same protective effect because of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, which could increase men’s cancer risk.

Australian researchers questioned over 1,000 men who had developed prostate cancer and 1,250 who had not about their sexual habits.

Men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer later in life.

Hmmm, interesting…

[Source: BBC News]

links for 2005-08-05


Vardan Kushnir, notorious for sending spam to each and every citizen of Russia who appeared to have an e-mail, was found dead in his Moscow apartment. He died after suffering repeated blows to the head.

Kushnir, 35, headed the English learning centers the Center for American English, the New York English Centre and the Centre for Spoken English, all known to have aggressive Internet advertising policies in which millions of e-mails were sent every day.

And no matter what people did, Vardan Kushnir remained sure of his right to spam, saying it was what e-mails were for.


Look out spammers, we’re out there, we’re looking for you, we’ll find you and that’s how you’re going to end up one of these days!
So STOP spamming the hell out of our inboxes while you still can!!

[Source: MosNews]

Lucas Plans Animated ‘Star Wars’ TV Show

Now that George Lucas has the final installment of Star Wars under his belt, sci-fi’s most famous film director plans to adapt the movie series as a 3-D animated TV show.

Lucas’ company is creating an animated program for television called Clone Wars, that will be produced in a new studio it’s building in Singapore.

Lucas said he’s also working on a live-action Star Wars-based TV show that he’ll shoot with a Sony consumer digital camcorder.

Don’t know what to think about this really. The Star Wars movies are already maybe 85-90% special effects, so what they’ll mainly be doing with this 3D animated series is taking the actors out and replacing them with 3D counterparts, and that’s it.
I don’t think the 2D Clone Wars animations that Lucas ventured into previously were that much of a success, and I’m not too sure these will be either.
I guess that in the end it’ll all boil down to whether the story is going to be an interesting one or not.

As for the live-action Star Wars-based TV show that will be shot with a Sony Camcorder, I’m not too sure what he means by that.
Will he be shooting footage of geeks playing around with light sabers or something? Or will it be about the Star Wars Kid?
What other Star Wars related live-action is there?

[Source: InformationWeek]

Beurger King Muslim


The list of fast food chains in France has a new addition – BKM or Beurger King Muslim, which hopes to rival “McDo”, Quick and KFC with a gut appeal to the country’s large Muslim minority.

Young female employees face no ban on wearing the Islamic veils outlawed in French schools as they serve up burgers that would be off-limits for a religious crowd at competitors Quick or McDonalds.

Though “Muslim” fast food abounds in France with endless street-side shawarma shops selling sliced-meat sandwiches or kebabs, Beurger King Muslim is the first to clone the set-up and decor of American-style fast food joints so popular among French youth.

And not without humour. The name is a play on both the huge American chain as well as the French slang word “beur”, which means second generation North Africans living in France.

Customers can order “bakon halal”- a bacon burger made with halal meat, or meat prepared according to Muslim ritual, “double koull cheese” — “koull means “eat” in Arabic, or “koull filet”.

The first – and only – shop so far opened its doors last month in Clichy-sous-Bois, a suburb of Paris.

BKM’s originators said they hope to create a franchise and set up Beurger King Muslims all around France – whose five million Muslims represent eight percent of the country’s overall population.

I think this is very interesting.
It’s always good to see businesses like this popping up and creating more jobs for people in these neighbourhoods.
I wonder how the food tastes though.
Anyone in France willing to check it out and let us know?

links for 2005-08-03

Coup d’Etat In Mauritania

Mauritania’s armed forces have set up a military council to rule the country and put an end to the “totalitarian regime” of President Maaouya Ould Sid’Ahmed Taya, according to a statement on the state news agency.

The statement, signed by a so-called Military Council for Justice and Democracy, said the council would rule the country for two years.
Taya, the ex-president, was out of the country in a trip to Saudi Arabia to attend the funeral of the late Saudi King Fahd.

Earlier in the day members of Mauritania’s presidential guard took over state television and radio and blocked streets in the capital Nouackchott.
The troops, led by Colonel Mohamed Walad Abd al-Aziz, also seized army headquarters.

Dissident soldiers came close to toppling Taya in June 2003 during two days of street fighting in Nouakchott before loyalist forces regained control. The government says it foiled two more coup attempts in 2004.

[More: Al Jazeera, CNN]