After The 5th Tunisian Blogger Meetup

A photo on Flickr
A photo on Flickr
A photo on Flickr
A photo on Flickr
A photo on Flickr
A photo on Flickr

Yesterday we had the fifth Tunisian blogger meetup in Kelibia.

The meetups keep getting longer and longer; yesterday’s meetup started at 10AM, when we met in the Abou Nawas Hotel parking, and went on to midnight.
By the time, we got home, we just headed straight to bed. There was no way we could blog about it, lol…

It was a really great meetup and so much fun. The best one up to now.
Kelibia is so beautiful and El Mansourah restaurant, the place we met, had lunch and swam in, is just breathtakingly amazing.

10 people made it to this meetup, which is pretty good considering that Kelibia is 100Kms away. We could have taken more people with us if they came to the Abou Nawas hotel parking as I suggested, as we actually left with place for 3 to 4 more bloggers.

The blogs represented in this meetup were: Adib, Evil Drako, Blogeuse, Marouen, Mouse Hunter, La Guilde, AquaCool, Subzero Blue.
We had 2 non-bloggers with us, who we are pushing to start blogs of their own soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

We really missed all the people who couldn’t make it to the meetup. I hope we get to see you all very soon ๐Ÿ™‚

We talked about a lot of stuff as usual, but this is maybe the meetup in which we talked the least about blogging, lol.
I guess we were too relaxed and loving the place to talk about technology and internet stuff.

So, what did we do?
We went to El Mansourah restaurant, where our dear Adib reserved a table for us right next to the water. We went down and started swimming as the other bloggers arrived.
When everyone was there, we ordered the food and then went back swimming.
We had our quite expensive lunch, then dived back into the water.
Then we had our desserts, paid and headed to the Kelibia fortress, a historical site overlooking all of Kelibia, that was built back in the Punic era. It’s huge, and it was really nice visiting it, it added a cultural side to our meetup.
Later we went to the caf

5th Tunisian Blogger Meetup Tomorrow

So, the fifth Tunisian blogger meetup is tomorrow in Kelibia.
I can’t wait to meet the old faces again and get to know the new people who will be coming.
Adib asked us all to try and be there before noon so we don’t lose our reservation in El Mansoura restaurant.

As for getting there, some people already have their transportation arranged and are going directly to Kelibia from or through some other place.

As for the people who are in Tunis, and who have cars or don’t know how to go, I suggest that we meet in the Abou Nawas Tunis hotel parking at 10AM so that we can split ourselves between the available cars and then drive to Kelibia together.

Marouen Mraihi has reserved a place with me in my car, which leaves one or two more places in my car’s backseat depending on how much you’ve had for dinner tonight ๐Ÿ˜›

I hope everyone will do their best to come. I know it’s summer, I know there are a million things going on in our lives, I know Kelibia is a bit far, but it’ll be fun and worth it, so please be there ๐Ÿ™‚

Pakistani Restaurant in Tunisia

Thanks to Lea, an American student in Tunisia, whose blog I discovered today through Karim, I found what is most-likely the only Pakistani restaurant in Tunisia.

It’s in the back of Centre Dorra in El Menzah 6. Check the map here.

Eman has been dying to eat some Indian food for quite some time now, and well I thought Pakistani food was close enough, so I surprised her by taking her to lunch there.

It’s a little place, but quite nice. They have a few posters of places in Pakistan on the walls and some flyers about some Pakistani cities on the tables.

We ordered Chicken Biryani and some Pakistani bread.

Once the odour of the cooking hit my nostrils and I flipped through the pages of the Lahore flyer on our table to see the places I knew, it was as if I travelled back in time to the days I spent in Pakistan. Nostalgia hit me, and I started rambling on and on to Eman about Pakistan, what I used to do there, where I went, …etc etc etc.

Then the food came and it was really good, very delicious. I totally enjoyed every bit of it.

The prices are great too, pretty cheap actually compared to other restaurants in Tunisia.

I totally recommend this restaurant.
I’m sure I’ll be going back there many more times.

Bride & Prejudice

I just finished watching the movie Bride & Prejudice, directed by Gurinder Chadha, the same director behind Bend It Like Beckham.

The movie is inspired by the Jane Austen novel “Pride & Prejudice”, only it’s done in bollywood style.
Yep, it’s just like those Indian movies, with all the singing and dancing and everything, just done in English. It’s totally a Hollywood meets Bollywood movie.

It turned out pretty nice actually, quite an enjoyable couple of hours.
What I liked the most is the mix between hollywood and bollywood cinema styles.
I also love how the director presents India and its people, it totally makes you feel like picking yourself up and going to India right away.
Another great thing is how she handles the issues she’s tackling in this movie and presents them.
I wish Arab directors would learn from her (from both of her movies) and start doing similar things in Hollywood. Anyway that brings me to another post I’ll be writing soon about Arabs, Muslims and Hollywood.

My score for this movie is: 7/10

links for 2005-08-11

The Tenth Planet

So it has been confirmed that our Solar system has a 10th planet which is larger than Pluto and nearly three times farther from the Sun as Pluto is.

The new planet, temporarily designated 2003 UB313, is the most distant object yet seen in the solar system, 97 times farther from the Sun than the Earth is. It also is the largest body yet found orbiting in the Kuiper belt, the group of icy bodies including Pluto which orbit beyond Neptune.

Like Pluto, it is covered by methane ice, and at its present distance is chilled to just 30

Tunisian Fashion Week 2005

The first edition of “Tunisian Fashion Week” will be held in the coastal city of Hammamet from August 15 to August 17.

Six Tunisian fashion designers will present their creations. Their summer collections will feature wedding dresses, inspired from Tunisia’s traditional fashion heritage, as well as evening dresses.

A number of television channels are expected to cover the event.

“Tunisia Fashion Week” will also provide young creators with the opportunity to present their collections to the public in the company of more experienced designers.

The second edition of the event is scheduled for February 2006.

[Source: Tunisia Online]

Art Prankster Sprays Israeli Wall

Secretive “guerrilla” artist Banksy has decorated Israel’s illegal West Bank barrier with satirical images of life on the other side.

The nine paintings were created on the Palestinian side of the barrier.

One depicts a hole in the wall with an idyllic beach, while another shows a mountain landscape on the other side.

Another picture shows the head of a white horse appearing to poke through, while he has also painted a ladder going over the wall.

Banksy’s spokeswoman Jo Brooks said: “The Israeli security forces did shoot in the air threateningly and there were quite a few guns pointed at him.”

Banksy, who hails from the UK city of Bristol, never allows himself to be photographed and created the images last week.

[Source: BBC News]