Today’s Tunis Hebdo newspaper has the following bit of “interesting” news in it:

Which in English means:
Neat, huh? So yeah, it’s Internet meets Pizza. The guy must’ve been hungry while writing the article.
But it doesn’t stop there, this article is actually a rip-off from another website, the content is basically copy-pasted.
So they’re not only guilty of stupidity, but also of plagiarism at the same time.
Certainly makes a person proud of the high level of journalistic professionalism available in the country.
Of course what they really wanted to talk about what was the Mozilla foundation asking fans of their Firefox browser to download Firefox 3 when it’s released so that they can break the record of most downloaded software in a day and get into the Guinness book of records.
Now would it have been so hard for them to check their facts and write a correct mini-article about this?
What a shame!
[Via: Montassar]
ya3tihom 3z
That’s the national 🙂
I called the guys at TunisHebdo, apparently it’s done on purpose, they are mocking Mozilla for entering contests usually for “The longuest Pizza” an so forth…
@gaouzief: The Inquirer did it on purpose. These guys stole it from there without citing the reference, which is wrong, plus I don’t think they meant to do it as a joke.
I agree with bibich … what a silly joke …!!!
Are you sure it’s not fake? :s :s
@Emina: You mean the scan of the article? No it’s not fake, I saw the newspaper myself.
That’s becoming a custom among the Tunisian Newspapers, stealing content from other sources, coz when it comes to technology i don’t think that anyone will be looking for the latest news and reviews on the local Newspaper.