Interesting bit of news from Harvard…
No men are allowed in the gym between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays, and between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Even the staff during those times is all women.
The special hours allow the Muslim women, who adhere to traditional dress codes by covering their hair and most of their skin while in public, to dress more appropriately for exercising, said Susan Marine, director of the women’s center.
[Source: Yahoo News]
I understand how some people might find it a bit inconvenient at first, but I think it’s an interesting and good move towards mutual respect and trying to find a compromise so that everyone can use the campus facilities comfortably.
Amen bro…
The word is said RESPECT
This is odd, and difficult to work through. I have not articulated my opinion, as the subject confuses me quite a bit. It is very important in America to be open to, and accommodating to a diverse group of cultures, races, and genders. But what do we do when accommodating one of the cultures requires us to be sexist or racist? We can embrace the traditional culture of the American south by allowing the display of the confederate flag, but still say racism is wrong and slavery is illegal – even though the confederate culture is racist and could not continue to fully function in their traditional ways without slavery. When embracing a culture, should we also embrace that cultures racism and/or sexism? Can we embrace Islamic culture and still say that sexism is wrong? – can we embrace Islamic culture, then turn around and say to these women that they should not be pressured to feel uncomfortable in the presence of men? Can we really accept that if a white protestant man tells his wife that she can not speak to, or be seen by other men
It is SO inappropriate for us to be rolling back reforms in our own culture to accommodate the backwardness of Muslims. In the name of “mutual respect”? What a joke. A sad one. But it’s just Harvard, so no harm done. Harvard has been on the forefront of this kind of moral ambiguity for decades.
Good comment, Bill. You said it more politely than I have the patience to, these days.
I’m not Muslim, but I’d welcome an opportunity to work out without being subjected to gawking by passerby. There is a fine line between sexism and privacy, but I feel that Harvard has it right. Our society somehow condones staring at attractive women, and I’m sick of feeling like a freak because I happen to fit our society’s ideal of physical beauty through no fault of my own. Like Japan’s female-only subway cars, which allow women to commute without being groped, I’d welcome an opportunity to exercise without being drooled on.
I think it’s great! Women-only gyms exist here in NZ and at the swimming pool centre, certain times are reserved for women (requested by Muslim women) and this allows women, regardless of religious beliefs, to come and swim minus feeling as though men are rating them from 1 to 10.
I’m not Muslim, but I’d welcome an opportunity to work out without being subjected to gawking by passerby. There is a fine line between sexism and privacy, but I feel that Harvard has it right. Our society somehow condones staring at attractive women, and I’m sick of feeling like a freak because I happen to fit our society’s ideal of physical beauty through no fault of my own.
And women don’t stare? lol. I go to the gym every other day, and I’ve had to figure out what times I can go when the gym isn’t full of lonely divorc
I didn’t expect Japan’s women-only cars would be mentioned here 🙂 I use it everyday not because I prefer not to be gazed (luckily I don’t have that attractive look 😉 but because it’s less crowded (half the population cannot be on) and there is no risk of being groped (perverts do not look the face or shape). I think it was welcomed by some men, too, because not only perverts, but a number of innocent men have been arrested for groping on train. But this is nothing to do with one’s religious belief, and cannot be argued with the case of this gym. My lunch break is over. Have to get back work!
Next will be:
Voleyball Court
Basketball Court
Tennis Court
Swimming pool
They will not use these places of secerary to continue the Jihad
It’s Okay Harvard knows best, We the Sheepol are just intolerent
Well said Dan!!!
I have to agree that if there are several gyms available, perhaps it would have been more acceptable to have gyms designated as single sex…along with some that would take both. I don’t feel that Harvard has taken a step backward in trying to accomodate these women, but certainly other options like those mentioned should be more than reasonable.
Are other women allow during this time or is it only Muslim women?
If all Women are allow it should not be a problem,and adheres to what is already a very commom practice of allowing specific times for Women to utilize facilites with out the presents of men, but to allow for only ONE of HUNDREDS of religions is going over board in accomadating this particular group of people.
Restricting use of a gym that is paid for by ones tuition is not acceptable. Those gyms should be shared by everyone attending the school, including muslims. Muslims are and should be allowed to enter the gym covered if they choose (free of harassment) due to their religous beliefs. They should not enjoy exclusive use of the gym which everyone pays for. It is also unfair to place the inconvenience for their beliefs on men attending the school and it’s wrong for them to be denied access to a college gym which they support. It’s discrimination actually. This does nothing but send the wrong message in an age where we supposedly value de-segragation. I hope Harvard changes the policy at the end of the semester.
Wow ppl. Its only a Gym. Chill. So WHat if muslim woman Wanted priVacy while working out. Theyre women too, When ANY WOMEN cLaims or asks for ” woman only” Facilities, No one sAYS anYTHING.But when muslim womAN SUGGEST An ideA, THEN… bOOHOO..grow up ppl. yes, we get checked out, we get no privacy And unlike men, we perfer to just be us women Alone When working out. is thAT SO MUCH TO ask for. ( sorry my cAPS BUTTON IS MESSING UP). but, this gym is open to all Women, christian, muslim, budhist, whoever, it just comes down to women Having A PLace to go with more privacy., And its not like theyre closing down the Gym for only women, its Only A Couple of hours, Im sure men can live, right?
Islam has no such thing as rASICM, SEXISM, or ANY OF Tat, its A Religioun of peace. those who study it, And Follow it, Understand ThAT. WE SHULDNT FOLLOW WHat the mediA Says, Were ALL GROWN UPS, Mature wise ppl… Go check it out, reAD about it, thennn— you can comment About It.
till then, great article, AND KUDOS for Woman only gym.