The first World Map of Happiness has been published by scholars from the University of Leicester. The map is a global projection of subjective well-being (SWB), taken from a variety of recent sources, and compared with related data from UNESCO, the UN and even the CIA.

[Via: Technovelgy]
ok down here w’re not as happy as US or australia.. but at least our hapiness is immortal ๐
تونس بلد الفرح الدائم
hihii ๐
Ya3ni if I
Ok, so why are we in the U.S. marked down as happy? Is it per capita income and length of life? Typically, these aren’t reliable barometers of peace, contentment and personal fulfillment. You have a better quality of life than do we, I’d argue, and Tunisia is colored as a lower “SWB” hue.
Am now unhappily going to work.