So, the 10th Tunisian blogger meetup will be this week, but when is not clear yet.
The two dates that have come up are as follows:
– Friday 27th, 7PM at Biwa in Les Berges du Lac
– Sunday 29th, Early afternoon at Biwa in Les Berges du Lac.
Personally, I’m more for having it on Friday. But it seems we have people who can’t come on Friday, just like there are some other people who can’t come on Sunday. So I guess we’ll have to put this up for a little vote.
So, Friday or Sunday?
ceux ki sont pour dimanche :
2 autres vont confirm
Hey, can tunisians from overseas audio/video conference in? i know it’s quite ambitious..but who knows maybe one day it will work. all the luck
Hey, can people overseas audio/video conference in? i know it’s quite ambitious..but who knows maybe one dau it will work
If my vote is worth anything, I vote for Sunday. ๐
moi je suis pour vendredi soir.
Dimanche aucune chance de me voir.
Bisoir tt le monde,
C juste
Othrez .. ken sket rak hajjit :p
1 – l’annonce se trouve sur le tn-blogs ..
2 – j’attendais la confirmation de la date pour contacter tout le monde .. j’ai d
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ๐
Saturday sounds better I team up with infinity’s group !
If you guys don’t mind my potential stinking from after my Aikido class, I vote for Friday.
If you guys don’t mind my stinking after my Aikido class, I vote for Friday.
je m’excuse, je n’ai jamais di que je sui pour dimanche ๐
j’ai di que j’accepete les deux dates mais je prefere le vendredi.:-)
Personne n’est jamais d’accord, tu devrai le savoir depuis le temps subzero, il faut fixer la date et le lieu