The Hobbit

Last night, I finally finished reading “The Hobbit” by J.R.R Tolkien, the tale of Bilbo Baggins and his greatest adventure. And what a read that was.

I have to thank my dear friend Saqf again for giving me this amazing book and encouraging me to read it right away. You rock man!

I totally enjoyed every bit of it. My imagination ran wild; middle earth was recreated in my brain with every tiny detail; I took the trip with Bilbo, the hobbit, Gandalf and their dwarve friends over and under hills, through forests, across rivers and all over middle earth.
At times I even was so sucked into the story, I felt like I was living the role of the hobbit.

The book is magnificently written, Tolkien’s style is just awesome, and at times it feels less like fantasy and more like myth or maybe even ancient history; it’s as if all this did happen a long time ago when the world was full of hobbits, elves, dwarves, goblins, dragons and more.

I totally wish Peter Jackson goes on to make a movie out of this book too.
It’d be one hell of a cinematic experience, I’m sure.

I totally recommend reading this book.
It’s simply beautifully amazing.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

11 thoughts on “The Hobbit”

  1. I managed to read 2/3s of the Hobbit in 8 hours(on the plane, from DC to Frankfurt) as I had nothing better to do. But it took me about a month to finish reading the remaining part!!! It was “interesting” to read though I can’t say that I really liked it. I have the other 3 books of Lord of the Rings at home. For some reason or another, I don’t feel like going through them.

  2. Nice blog. Came here from Sabbah’s Place. If you liked The Hobbit you’ll LOVE The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I have read them several times over the years and cannot get enough. I highly recommend them.

  3. Having a horrible busy day made me start writing you a comment only to quit the page because of work three or five times today!

    Finally I am going to publish it.

    First of all, I am very glad you enjoyed it, even though it took longer than it should, I am sure it was easy to keep track of the events. My favourite part was “Riddles in the Dark”, that was a great fun to read. In addition to that “Inside Information” was also a very nice chapter.

    I love the Hobbit because I relate to it in many ways, I do have a Tookish side in me, which is not always present, but it is there. I love the fact that Biblo likes to host people, and I can imagine myself in the “Unexpected Party” serving cake and tea to many strangers at the same time. 🙂

    To me, The Hobbit and The Silmarillion are my two favourites. I love of course LOTR, but after reading the Silmarillion, you would know that it was Tolkien’s real story that he wanted to tell.

    I say The Hobbit, LOTR and Silmarillion are a must read for any Middle Earthling.

  4. Nasnoussa, well I guess it all depends on the person. Some people really love fantasy stories and others prefer other more realistic stuff.
    I’m into everything 🙂 Everything but love stories, I guess.

    Abu Sinan, welcome and thanks 🙂
    I’ll be reading the LOTR trilogy just after I finish “The Da Vinci Code” which I’m reading right now.

    Roba, I’m sure LOTR is great 🙂 And Saqf is making me even more excited about reading “The Silmarillion”.

    Saqf, Yeah, I agree it took me longer than it should to read this book, especially that it’s so great. But you know how life can be sometimes 🙂
    And btw, you don’t just relate to Bilbo, you are Bilbo man 😛 I confirm it 😉
    You’re getting me all excited about reading “The Silmarillion”. I’m sure it will be a great read. Thanks for the tip 🙂
    I liked “Riddle In the Dark” too, it was a fun chapter. Gollum rocks!

  5. Da Vinci Code? Oh yes, read that then was told Angels and Demons was the better of the books, the one that kind of precedes the Code. They were right. I finished it in two days. Read that next, if you havent. So many books………not enough time.

  6. Man is my to-read book list getting long, lol…

    I saw the book “Angels & Demons” at the bookstore, but haven’t read it yet.
    I guess whether I do or not depends on how much I like “The Da Vinci Code”. I’m enjoying it up to now, so unless the writer screws everything up, which I doubt, it seems “Angels & Demons” will be on my to-read list.

  7. I looove this book we studied it for lit in school I love the part when the frog was stuck in the mud forever stuck in my mind Oh I have to read it over now brings back memories.

  8. I dont usually like mystery books, ala Dan Brown, but I certainly like both Da Vinci and Angels. I am more of a historical or non fiction reader.

  9. Once I get used to the hectic pace of studies here I’ll start reading Angels and Demons AND the Da Vinci Code. My mom loved the Da Vinci Code, and one of my friends keeps telling how amazing those two books are. I’ll drop by the bookstore this week and maybe get the books and delve into them asap. Give us feedback once you finish reading.

  10. Amelia, happy to have reminded you of this great book 🙂

    Abu Sinan, I’m really enjoying “The Da Vinci Code”, although I don’t think I’d be willing to jump into “Angels & Demons” directly after it. Maybe after a little break, but I will read it.

    Nasnoussa, I haven’t read “Angels & Demons” yet, but I’m enjoying “The Da Vinci Code”. I should be finishing it today, so you can expect a review of it tomorrow I guess 🙂

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