Star Academy: Vote for Amani Souissi

Amani Souissi

So, it seems like next Friday will be the final prime in this season of the Middle East Star Academy on LBC.

The two students left are Amani Souissi from Tunisia and Hisham Abdel Rahman from Saudi Arabia. Voting for the winner goes on from tonight till next Friday.

From day one of the competition Amani Souissi stood out with her strong and beautiful voice, always getting better and better from prime to prime. This fact is what assured that she got to the finals without ever getting nominated by the academy’s instructors.

I think Amani has one of the most beautiful voices in the Arabic music scene, and I truly wish she was on a show like Superstar instead of Star Academy where she could show her real talent and compete with other great voices.
Anyway, in Star Academy, when compared with all of this year’s contestants as well as all the ones from last year, she beats them all hands down.

So please visit the LBC Star Academy 2 site and vote for her. She truly deserves it.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

31 thoughts on “Star Academy: Vote for Amani Souissi”

  1. I am skeptical about the fact that she will win, because even though she has a really good voice, it seems that the people voting thought Star Academy was Comedy Academy rather than the complete package and especially singing, and that’s why they are going to vote for the other contestant. I will be voting for Amani 🙂

  2. At the end its Star Academy and LBC thats winning they going to be rich from this consumer war.

    Cause its one thing to have a game show where people against themsevles and other opponents, but having a game show putting people sms messages as the vote then your just screwing things up.

  3. Zizou, I too think that it’s pretty hard for her to win with the people voting for the funniest instead of the most talented, and with a big Saudi audience backing Hisham.

    Nibaq, I do agree with you. The real winner is LBC and then the phone companies.
    I too think that having only people’s sms messages deciding who the winner is ruins the whole thing. The people’s vote should account for a fraction of the vote and professionals’ opinions should account for the rest. That way they can give the people a way to contribute and yet keep it somehow fair, giving the really talented people a chance to win.

  4. I dont think it is Saudi alone. People love an idiot. Like the last Star Academy with Bashar and Ahmed. Bashar was the better choice, but people picked the joker.

    I think people are afraid to have someone good win, cause that would be fair.

  5. Yeah, I guess so.
    I remember last year, I only caught the last prime, and Bashar was so much more talented than Mohamed, but still the joker won.

    It seems that’s what will happen this year too.

  6. Yeah, Mashalla 3aleiha Amani, her voice is simply stunning. Last years, Bahaa’s had the best voice too. You Tunisians have talent 🙂 Can I mention that Ahmad from last year is also one of the cutest guys on earth..?

  7. Guys you know whats funny…. compare the voices of the top ten in star academy to Arabic superstar. The academy doesn’t even come close in voice talent. Many i would argue wouldn’t come in the top 50. I hear people say , but academy is more than just singing…but thats all we see singing…no acting…real dancing or comedy. I don’t get it…they are verrrry much below the high level of superstar that we are used to.
    What do u guys think?
    I must admit that the production of the show with clour and dance is more extravegant.


  8. Michael, Thanks 🙂

    Roba, Yes Bahaa had a good and strong voice too last year, but still I think Amani’s voice is so much better.

    Joe, I totally agree with you.
    Anyway, I think Amani is totally Superstar material. I definitely think she’d be in the Top 5 in Superstar.

  9. Amani may have a nice voice but her personality is the worst in the academy. The world is full of nice voices but you have to be pure and nice to be liked…i cant stand her. If you read some sms comments on the channel you will see Tunisians voting for Hisham too…simply cos he is nicer to watch. She is rude, and eats a lot.

  10. hay ok we know she has a great voice, but what s the point she doest have a big audience as hisham. the new generation doesnt listen to classic voices like her its too old. she wouldnt be a big star. Moreover, her personality is bad we others she doesn t deserve someone to vote to her.its also not fair for the other candidates she didnt get to be a nomenee.
    thats not fair………..

  11. Well, even though I disagree with you about her personality, you have to remember this is a talent show, not a popularity contest.

    People voted for the clown last year, and everyone saw what a disaster of a song he released as his first single. Ok, he’s funny and nice and all, but he’s not talented.

    Liking someone doesn’t mean they’re good enough to be a star, popularity doesn’t make people talented.

    And Amani was never a nominee because she never was bad enough to be one. From day one she was better than all the rest, so it’s only fair she wasn’t nominated.

  12. eventhough the show is watched more by girlzz which means about 90%. a fact most girlz when they get to vote, the voting goes to the male. mabrrok hisham you won for the millionth time……

  13. amani tu es la meilleur, je t’adooooooooore , tu vas gagner pour toute la TUNISIE. nous sommes tous avec vous. bon courage


  15. oh shut up all of those hisham supporters. Put some common sense into your minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMANI IS THE TRUE STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would want a guy who can’t even memorise a songs lyrics to be a starc. SERIOULSY AMANI HAS GOT EVERYTHING, PRETTY, OUTSTANDING VOICE AND A GREAT PERSONALITY. oh and vote for amani mates! She is from Tunis, where Ahmad el-Sherif came from!!!!

  16. HI Dana Chaykaw hatha il site oo plz VOTE FOR AMANI because i like her voice and she is the best and dont vote for hesham ( bol hish ) because i know every body will vote for hom and he will win so 7aram Amani she will loose and she was never a nomineee so plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
    VOTE FOR AMANI I LIKE HER ALOT and she is the best and she is better than bo il hish il maleeg ohwa oo 5alawee gi6ee3a ok fa plz VOTE FOR AMANI to the third time i told you PLZ ( for short) PLEASE ( FOR LONG ) SO VOTE FOR AMANI ehya testahil. Amoooot feeech Amani 9ootich raw3a. i like you alot amani who ever have seen my comment plz vote for amani deal?!? ok yala see u bye and i wish that Amani will win and hisham il 5ara looooose

  17. Rach i agree with you because amani is the true star who likes hisham he is soooooo STUPID ****
    yes i would say this word to him Fuck You yes i would amani is the best

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