Yusuf Islam, previously British pop star Cat Stevens who embraced Islam 30 years ago, released a new record called “Indian Ocean” on Tueday, March 22, in aid of tsunami-orphaned children in the Indonesian province of Aceh.
The “Indian Ocean” will be available as a download from several online music stores. The list of stores is available at yusufislam.org.uk.
The song was recorded in London with Indian composer/producer A.R. Rahman, A-ha keyboard player Magne Furuholmen and Travis drummer Neil Primrose.
Yusuf Islam
Hey MMM, I apologize cuz its been a really long time since I checked out this site and cuz my post is totally off topic, but I was wondering if you had heard anything about the 3rd season of Superstar. Has it been it canceled or postponed? Their website isn’t function and ever since the assassination of PM Hariri Future TV’s website hasn’t made any reference to Superstar. Thanks in advance.
— dude
Hi, good to see you again, long time no see.
As for the 3rd season of Superstar, well I don’t really know. They were touring the arab countries for candidates and then the sad Hariri assasination happened.
I don’t think it’s going to be cancelled though, they’re just not talking about it now because it’s not appropriate.
I think that maybe Future TV and Zen TV will go back to regular programming after the 40th day of Hariri’s death which is this Friday.
So let’s just wait and see.
I want be new member with you to keep in touch always