Acclaimed Egyptian actor Ahmad Zaki died today Sunday, March 27th 2005, at the age of 57, after a long and ferocious battle with lung cancer.
The actor had been in a coma for eight days and finally his body gave up and his heart stopped beating.
Before slipping into a coma earlier this month, Zaki had received calls from President Husni Mubarak. Egypt’s most prominent celebrities and cultural figures had flocked to his hospital room for weeks before his death.
Ahmad Zaki was one of the Arab world’s greatest actors and his career is full of great movies and roles.
As Director Muhammad Khan, who worked with Zaki on six films, said: he had a natural instinct for acting.
Zaki died before accomplishing one of his dreams – the making of the film “Halim” about the life of the celebrated Egyptian singer Abd al-Halim Hafidh.
Rest in peace Ahmad Zaki, may God bless your soul.
You’ll always be a shining star in the sky of Arab cinema.
I’m so damn sad for his death…
May his soul rest in peace. Inna Lillah wa inna ilayhi rajo’oun…
Ahmed Zaki’s funeral today brought the Mohandiseen district to a halt to the extent that some people were asking if there was a political demonstration today! This isn’t surprising of course because Egyptians loved Zaki as most Arabs did. I’m still thinking though of what IS IT about Zaki that drew us to him? Was it because he hardly took evil roles? Or did we identify with him because he usually portrayed the ‘shahama’ that we adore so much? It beats me really…
“This is Cairo”, I guess what made us love him was him being special in a very natural way. I never felt he was acting, and he did great in all roles, a dad, a lover, a political figure, a son… he was what we call in Arabic: (al sahl al momtani’)this is what I loved about him…
He deserves our prayers, and he deserves what you witnessed in his funeral… may his soul rest in peace.
I’m soooooooooooo sad for this news
y does it have to be him man
he waz my best actor
allah yarhamou
all the tunisians and arabs are sad 4 him
Ahmad Zaki was the best actor in the whole world, at least from my point of view. I love him so much because he was a real good man. I think that the cinema will never be the same. I will never forget him. I will miss him with all my heart. Allah yerhamooh
a7ebk went 7ay..a7bekwent mayet..i hope Allah has him in janna waiting 4 those who really love him..i do
As your 2 year commemoration draws near I wanted to remember you.will always be remembered Ahmad. I know that you are resting in heaven because you were a good and kind man. I love you and I still think that your way of acting will never be repeated again. I read a comment about you and someone wrot I don’t know what attracted us to Ahmad Zaki. Well I know what attracted me, he is very natural, very hardworking, he went through a lot in his childhood, he was very lonely, I think he was sad a lot of times, but he managed to make us laugh, he is kind, soft, strong. A real, man , freind, father. He is always there when you need him. He is respectful, pleasent and most importantly he is really down to earth. He never felt that he was the great actor ahmad zaki, he always wanted to be better. He never though that he was the best. This traits are what made me love him and adore him. I never met you Ahmad but I promise you when I go to Egypt for a visit that I will visit you in your grave. I wanted to say farewell to the man I never met in person, to the actor I adored and admired, to the strongest, but yet kindest man I have never met. To the most loving father. To theonly actor that made me truly laugh. To my bestfriend that I still think about everyday. To you Ahmad, Farewell my love, farewell our love…………………
i will say 1 word and it should describe the legendary ahmad zaki u were absoulotly (charming).U were a great lose to the whole wide world.i loved evrything about u.allah yir7amak.