An example of the effect video games can have on children…
They explained that “they used techniques borrowed from the video game ‘Mortal Kombat’ in dealing with their victim”, the spokeswoman, Kristine Mezaraupa said.
[Source: HTTabloid]
This is mad…
Anyway even though this could have been influenced by the Mortal Kombat video game, I don’t think all the blame should be put on the video game manufacturer.
Thousands if not millions of kids worldwide have been playing Mortal Kombat for years, yet we haven’t seen Mortal Kombat killing sprees going on.
A lot of responsibility lies on the parents to filter what their children have access to and to teach them what’s right from wrong, what’s fantasy from reality.
salut j’aime bien ce jeu j’y joue depuis l’age de 12 ans j’ai battue plus ou moin shao kahn