Yesterday, while at our friends’ place, we were introduced to Sami Yusuf, a British Muslim singer whose song “Al Mu’allem” (The Teacher) has been playing on the arabic Melody music channel.
It’s really a great song in both English and Arabic in which he sings about the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Islam. The music and lyrics are so beautiful and his voice is so soothing.
Sami Yusuf was born on July 1980. He was born into a musical family of Azeri origin and thus music played an integral part in his life.
Sami is also a devout practicing British Muslim who sees songs as a means of promoting the message of Islam and encouraging the youth to be proud of their religion and identity.
I think what he’s doing is really great and I wish more and more people would try to follow.
It’s a really good way to promote the true peaceful message of Islam and give the Muslim world their pride in their religion back.
For more info on Sami Yusuf and his music, check out his official site.
To buy his first album, click here.
i like u and ur song very very much
sami ur the best
i hop to see u soon weth anew vedio
eid mobarak
وكل عام وانت بخير
أنا اسمي محمد وقد أعجبتني أغنيه “المعلم”جداوأرجو لك النجاح.
to reach the top is very easy ,but to keep it is hard .Sami be always on the top forever,and GOD blees you .
salamoalaikom iwant to marry u sami yusuf if u didn’t marry yet or pray to my god to marry someone like u
salamo alaikum
i think this is the language of this time for promot islam
please mr sami hurry up for the second tape cause i do love it
, ALLAH ma3ak
egypt, Ahmad
Assalamoe 3alaikoem my dear brother!
may Allah guide you on the straight Path
You have a beautiful voice masha Allah and your anasheed to!!
But the point is:
in your Nasheeds I’ve heard something like a wind/stringed instrument and those instruments are not good in the Islam my dear brother.
You must know that I just want to help you insja Allah!
May Allah forgive you All your sins and guide you on the straight Path. I want that your Nasheeds be acceptable in the Islam and that you receive more and more Hassanaat for this and may the Islam be scattered over the whole world through your Nasheeds. May Allah give you the Paradise Ameen!!!
ought fie dien
P.S. I hope that you’re not angry with me :(. I just want to help you!!
dear brothers n siters,
my name is saadia, i am 17 and i wud jus like 2 emphasise how important it is that these days in a world full of racism n prejudice it is important that young muslims are proud of their religion. Everyday in the news n media muslims r put down n criticised in what they believe. listening 2 sami yusuf’s naat i have learnt 2 luv my religion no matter what any1 thinks. he is a truly talented guy n has been gifted with a beautiful voice. may allah hel him to do more of this work.
شكرا علي كل شي يجعلني استيقظ من الغيبوبة الدائمة
شكرا يااجمل واقوي واعزب صوت
اخوك خالد محي الدين من مصر
والي الامام والله الموفق
Masha Allah “Al-mu Allim is Excellent.
I heard your second song.It was very effective,and full of feelings.Your art really reflects your own feeling towards ISLAM and our prophet MOHAMED.GOD bless you sami because you are really talented.
AS Salaamu Alaikum brother Sami?
I hope everything is well with you and your family. Inshallah.
My name is aliyah, i am a british muslim, who is practising.I never used to be untill i met a muslim sister who showed me a new life. I remember when she gave me your Nasheed AL-MU-ALLIM as a gift which i’ll never forget for the rest of my life.It completly changed me. Your voice and your words has touched my heart and my inner soul. I am so thankful to allah the almighty who has guided me to a straight path, and showed me the new way of life.Amen.Who has sent me a friend like an angel to help me through this. I hear that you are studying at the moment. mashallah that is very good to know that you are gaing knowledge and wisdom. I pray to the Almighty to bestow you with knowledge, and wisdom and to accept your prayers. Ameen. I hope this messege reaches you. Keep up with the good work which you are doing, and i am sure that allah is very proud of you, because you have the noor on your face.And if you want you could be a great teacher, who could teach others about islam and our beloved prophet(p.b.u.h). Maybe you could teach me more and give me advice. inshallah. please reply back to me.
hello Sami,
It is nice to contact u Because u are a very Good person To allah Your Best Songs Are Muallim ,Who is the loved One? and Ya mustafa
I like all Of ur songs But these Are the best I am in 5th Primary Contact Me if u can
it’s the 2000000th time ive heard ‘Al-Mu’allim’ and inshallah ill never be tired of it coz i love the arabian style you sing in with the arabs at the back
salam tousce que je peux te dire ‘est bonne chance
Asalamu-Alaikum everyone especially to Sami Yusuf because he is my favourite Islamic singer. I have heard all sami’s Islamic songs. These are the ones that I have heard: Al-Mu’allim, Cave of the Hira, Who is the love one, Allahu, Ya Mustafa and I think there is one more but I can’t name it. I love those songs so much that I want to keep hearing them which I do, and I sing with it as well. I hope I will meet you soon in the future inshallah. A nd I’ll keep writig.
Zairah Caudri. Age 13.
salam cher frere j espere ke tu vas bien je suis un jeune marocain qui apprecie bcp ce ke tu fais comme chansons pour l islam ALLAH almou3ine et je souhaite ke tu t arretes pas un jour et ke tu continues sur cette voie
Amicalement yassir
Keep it uppp
Salam alykum wal ikram- Just would love to tell you all- that the way I was guided from Sunnism to alhamdolila being A Shia of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Shia (follower) of Ali Ibn Abi Talib was partly through anasheed, latmiyat and these truthful voices. The main thing in life is to be ma3a an Haq (with the truth) Allah yhfuthkum kilakum…I would advise you to go to the mosttt addictive website in the world- its not a chat but its called ..on google..shia chat (click first option) and there you will truly see amazinf stories! Wa3alykum Alsalam..or Masalama should I sayy.. Zaynab Rabbee
ana esme sally atia 3aiza a2olak RABENA y7mek 7’od balak men darebt el sho7ra el banat,el sahrat,el 7falat .GOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAMI
je vous remercie de ce que vous faites pour L’Islam monsieur sami bon je vous dit monsieur parce que je vous respecte mais j’ai 20 je ne vous cache pas que ces derniers temps j’etais tromatis
hi sami ullah
i appreciate ur music very much, i don’t listen to any of the other music anymore thanks for these moving nasheeds
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
to Sami Yusuf he is my favourite Islamic sin.I want that your Nasheeds be acceptable in the Islam and that you receive more and more
Hassanaat ger. my name is nehal from egypt
May Allah guide you on the straight Path
ihope i can speek to you oline
assalamulaikum brother, keep up the good work you are an insperation to islam. love your songs. ingshallah you go on to do more great things!!!!!!!!!!
yo assalam u alaikum bro sami
first of all i want to mentioned that ure nasheeds are alhamdulilah with allahs grace of the most beautifulest nasheed’s i have i ever heard. n i happy that u r using ure vioce which is alhamduililah beautiful 4 dat right reasons keep it up bro. n inshallah da rewards will cum in dis lyf n especialli da next!
all praise is due too allah who gave u such a nice vioce jus keep n usin it 4 da right reasons
ok bro insha’allah i hope to hear sum new nasheeds
praise be to allah n his last messenga da amir ul mu’mineen
Allah Hafiz
Salam 3laykum, I need to know where I can get Sami’s CD in Bahrain please?
AL_Salam Alykum
how are you mr sami?
it’s really a wonderful song
and your voice is beautiful
i heard your album it’s great
but you have to send your songs to everyy channle
and to every country every one in this world must hear your voice and your songs you have to work hard
god be with you
asma’a from your home Palestine
ihi really like your voice it is so beatuful when my mum puts other songs my dad tells her to put your songs and i cant wait for u to sing other songs
selamin aleykum all.
i am ibrahim from Turkey.
we are like your sami yusuf music because our like music.
Can he concert in Turkey?
assalamoe alaikoem,
sister in the islam has right.
those instruments are not good in the Islam and toccle-instruments too. may Allah give you more 7assanaat!! Ameen!!
assalamoe alaikoem
asalamu aliakum brother sami,
First of all i would like to say that mahshallah you have a really beautiful and blessd voice, when i first herd your tracks they brought tears to my eyes- subhanallah-very overwhelming. Secondly to have such a brother introducing islam in such a way that will aid younger muslims learn more easily- is such a wonderful way of living! I would love to see you live in Manchester (England) sometime inshALLAH, keep up your work to spread Islam, may Allah keep you on the path of righteousness along with all the other Moumins, Allah Hafiz
p.s- I would love to hear from you personally!
assalmu alaikom,i’m a muslimah from tunisia,and i want to tell you brother sami that you are a good exemple of a muslim man,and i want to tell you too,that ALLAH(SWT)hadaka ila al hak,so i wishe that you continue in the right way,AMEEN.
assalamoe alaikoem,
could you give a concert in the Netherlands??
assalamoe alaikoem,
sister in the Islam
i am into english songs but that nazaam is so good i have left listening to english songs
assalamo 3alaykom wa ra7mato lahi wabarakaatoh
my brother sami yusuf u have a beautyful voice, and im very happy that we have muslim who think about their religion.continue with your work u are great,and i wish u the best luck ever.
your sister in islam hanae
esalamo 3alaykom we ra7mat alaah we barakato
ana walaa7e o3gabt beek keteer men kotr ele etaal 3anak we seme3to menek we ya ret nesma3 a7’bar gedeeda
we nefse a3raf emil 7’as bek enta netkalam feeh ma3aba3d ya reet ya Mr.SAMI
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
May ALLAH bless u Sami. Once i heard ur really nice song, ur soft voice, sorry to say i really fall in love with U. I never turn back to other music. I already bought ur album (CD-play at home & cassette in my car), and the Al-Muallim lyric really touch me, until sometimes i’ll cried. I can’t help it, the lyric really touch my heart. Sorry coz i miss ur interview at Kuala Lumpur (TV1, TV3 and IKIM). I hope u can make performance in Kuala Lumpur in 2005.
Love by,
Nor Rimah Junos
Kuala Lumpur
i just want to say you good luck
Mashallah you have a wonderful voice. I listen to your songs all the time. I like how you sing about Allah. I bought your cd a couple of days ago and I dont stop listening to the songs. May Allah be with you all the way.
i can’t say words but God blessing you and thak God ror thf guys like you
***Aslaam Alaykom ,my brothers:
I was realy happy when the first time I heard
the Sami’s nice voice , and hope he will succeed
in his work ,beside I invite all the muslims to hear this kind of Islamic songs.
Hi sami i think you have got a very talented voice i am mad over your music it is so relaxing if you ask me you r my number 1 nazaam singer and you will be 4 ever!
salam ๐
I was at the convention, and i show you perform. and you were wonderful. I luv your songs. and i luv your music videos, mostly Supplication.and you have a very nice voice.and you got talent.
Assalumun Alaikum wa rahmatullah-e wa barakahtuh
brother sami, ur nasheeds r great, where did u get this wonderful idea from? keep up the great work. u should have concerts in ny/nj area and many other parts of the US. ur songs attract people towards islam. ma-shallah, islam is growing and u can help this advance.
ur brother
shabeer wali
salut samy yussuf
je vous remerie de la bonne chanson
ciao yusuf
sono contento di lacsiare un mesaggio al cantante che mi ha lacsiato sognare il mondo muslimano lo sai che ho butato tutti miei cd adesso ascolto solo la tua musica con coran e basta
grazie tarik
hello,I’m esma.I’m turkish.I don’t speak english very well but I try write to messagge for you..first I saw your album on TV.I like it very much.you have got great voice(I know)..I hope my allah help for you.I love you very very much:)