Yesterday, while at our friends’ place, we were introduced to Sami Yusuf, a British Muslim singer whose song “Al Mu’allem” (The Teacher) has been playing on the arabic Melody music channel.
It’s really a great song in both English and Arabic in which he sings about the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Islam. The music and lyrics are so beautiful and his voice is so soothing.
Sami Yusuf was born on July 1980. He was born into a musical family of Azeri origin and thus music played an integral part in his life.
Sami is also a devout practicing British Muslim who sees songs as a means of promoting the message of Islam and encouraging the youth to be proud of their religion and identity.
I think what he’s doing is really great and I wish more and more people would try to follow.
It’s a really good way to promote the true peaceful message of Islam and give the Muslim world their pride in their religion back.
For more info on Sami Yusuf and his music, check out his official site.
To buy his first album, click here.
Salam MMM,
I hope you’re doing fine:)
yeah Sami is a great talent,two thumbs up! Allah ywaf2uh
for those who live in north america and wanna get his cd
they can buy it from here
take care
Thanks for the link Ahmad ๐
And yes Sami is a great talent. We should all support him in everyway that we can.
I hope more people follow in his footsteps.
I really don’t know what to say. After listening to his song, I can’t disrespect my ears by hearing the cheap words and music of these days. I can’t watch the disgusting video clips of these so-called artists.
Sami Yusuf is such a great talent, I hope more people will use their talents the right way as he did. I really wish he’ll be the start of a new time that will bring back respect and meaning to both artists and audience. God Bless Him!
hi sami
u hav a great voice but u’ve also got great looks u should consider modelling
hi sami
u hav a great voice but u’ve also got great looks u should consider modelling
hi sami
u hav a great voice but u’ve also got great looks u should consider modelling
hi sami
Gods blessed u with a great voice and its good 2 know that u’re using it 4 a good cause, keep up the good work.
u’ve got 2 seriously update your website though.
hi, this song is great and very touching… i think that we do need this kind of attracting methods to tell the world about Islam.
by the way the web site is not working it opens GlobalGold !
hello sami i really love u in allah u r my best monshed all over the world u have a great voice plez dont stop and go on all of us here in palestine support u and wish u all the best jazaka allahu khayr
hi Sami,ur song is very touching.Go on.We’re all proud of u.God bless u.
Salaam, God has blessed u with this voice and i cant make enough comments as to what i felt when i first heard your song. This is a message to all British Muslims,you are a talented role model to the young Muslims of the world. May Allah (swt) bless you during the month of Ramadan. Thanx. Sarah I Mboro……
great song from bold singer to sing islamic song in these days so u shake our hearts
assalamo alikom..brother sami..u’re really great..wallahi whenever i listen to ur album i think..alahomahfazho..alahoma ekremho…as a muslim..i’m very proud of u…and here in egypt we’re all very proud of u,and i’m very touched becouse of what you said about my country,and believe me…the egyptians love you more than you can imagin…i’ve heard you say that you’re thinking of studying arabic here in egypt…please do it!…we’ll be honored to have you among us….you’re a great muslim sami…you’ve done a great thing for islam….jazakallaho khairan…..i wish i can do something good for islam like you did….god bless you…
your sister in allah
iythar hassan
Salamat everyone.
It’s very nice to read all of everyone’s responses. It’s so great to hear other muslim voices and know that there are many out there that do care about Islam, very rare here in the states espcially here in N.Y. where i live, to find that quality, not saying there aren’t. Alhamdilah that we have Muslim brothers like Brother Sami Yusuf, Brother Yusuf Islam, like the Brothers of Soldiers of Allah, and many more. I’m a muslim female and i’m so greatful to all of the people that are making an effort to reveal Islam in a way that would catch the attention to many. Inshallah, Brother Yusuf, make more songs! Jazak allah kuli khair
i just don’t know how to express my feeling after i heared the song and the whole tape u just find gret light in my heart and my soul they were lost but with ur song and all love for muhamed(p.p.u.h)that was full in it.i found great light in my heart and my soul u can say i explore it.thank u so much i wish u the highest paradise with ur and our love MUHAMMED (p.p.u.h).thank u
Asalamu alaykum!
May all my brothers and sisters be bestowed happiness and joy in this blessed month.
Sami Yusuf has trully a voice of utmost beauty, all his songs are powerful and it sure does soften the heart…leaving desire to learn more about Islam.
Mashallah i hope he becomes amongst those who prosper in this life and the heerafter.
Asalamu alaykum!
May all my brothers and sisters be bestowed happiness and joy in this blessed month.
Sami Yusuf has trully a voice of utmost beauty, all his songs are powerful and it sure does soften the heart…leaving desire to learn more about Islam.
Mashallah i hope he becomes amongst those who prosper in this life and the heerafter.
est ce que je peux avoir les paoles des chansons de sami yusuf
salaamz…mashallah sami, i am soo proud dat a british muslim of our generation has put forward so much for everyone. upon hearing your voice and listening to the lyrics, the word beautiful comes to mind. may allah bless you each day and evryday. plz carry on with this excellent work, for u have inspired so many already.
Allah yebarek feek, the lyrics of your songs truly came form the heart and it truly touched our hearts..God bless you everyday, may you continue your precious mission in alerting all Islamic people around the world. Rabena yehdy el gamee3, may God enlighten our hearts and have mercy upon all of us inshaala. May we all gather in ganat el Ferdaws be izn ellah. I love you ya sayedy ya Mohamed (PBUH) ya rasol allah.
assalamu amaykoum
je suis une funne de vous,et j’aimerai vous remersiez car tu ma beaucoup servir atravert votr chanson al mu allim,de mieux comprandre lislam.
djazaka allah koulla kayr.
Iam very sory because I dont speak english,Ispeak frensh.
ramadan karim
wassila of algeria
al salamo alaykom , i really respect sami yusuf a lot & he deserves that , god bless him ,but today his official site doesn’t work i don’t know why !!! it has been eliminated or what , could any one help me please ??
Assalamu alaikum and ramadan mubarak! Sami’s album is exellent, just breathtaking. i was wondering, Insha’Allah do you know how i could contact Sami? I’ve been trying for a year, please get back to me, Wasalam.
you brought tears to my eyes with your soft words and your evident love towards our religion, the religion which has regretfully been discriminated against and negatively thought of. my heart prays and hopes that one day, through the glory which all your songs shine light on, we will be accepted as one, and rather understood for our beliefs and traditions.
again the tears have fallen, as i hear beneath your voice. may God bless you, and yasirlak amrak through any hard times you may face… you have taken a step into the light, and touched my heart in ways which words cannot describe…
if you read this, or anyone to that matter, please can u provide me with a link which i can directly contact sami yusuf.
thank you
Assalamualaikum brother sami yusuf.
I would just like 2 say, u convey true meaning in ur nasheeds with a tremendous voice.
u`ve made a great impact over the muslim nations across the globe purely because you are distinctive. I
Ive always been awestruck with amazement of the beauty of when someone is totally into something.when hearing ur nasheeds u seem to be putting everything u have into it,making it sound so passionate and u unaware of all else.The emotion I feel is overwhelming when our creator is called upon that way and our prophet SAW is praised with such loyalty. You have both skill and dignity.
Allah SWT has truly blessed you.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
first of all i want to wish u a blessing ramadan and to ur family and to all muslims in this world, then i want to mention that i am happy and lucky to hear ur song, coz it is one of the best songs that i heard in all my life, go on and allah bless u.
والسلام خير الختام
i really adoooooooooooore u ya sami yusuf…..masha2alla 3leek ๐
RaMadaN KaReEm 2 every one,and………sami yusuf ,,um ur biggest FAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐
Truly an amazing voice and song ,
Just a suggestion ….I think Sami Yusuf and Yusuf Islam should do some songs together …
salaam walikhum brother,
My brother Tahir tells me u have gone to Egypt to learn arabic?
anyway i would just like to wish u a good learning experience and tell u that ur voice is truly beautiful mashallah. and ur nasheeds are the best. and i can’t believe u have come to my house. i mean world famous Sami Yusuf came to my house, i’m honoured. i tell my friends and they don’t believe me what shall i do to prove to them that this is a fact. please help me??
are you looking for a practising sister?????
ramadan mubarak
no thanx
salam alikom,kayfa haluka akhi el aziz
ana fatat maghribia .ana gid saida bi mobadaratika addinya ettogaha al isslam
Elsalam ALikom wa Ra7matoo ALlah wa barkatouh…
Dear Sami Yusuf ,
May Allah always guides you and guides us to the right path and we all meet in heaven insh2Allah…Your effort is so beautiful and touchable…and I’d like to really thank the blessed team behind scenes too for their loyalty to Islam
Barak Allah feekom ..
Dear Brothers and sisters,
we can all do many things for Islam Walahie. if everyone of us tries to work by heart and prosper in his studies or work for Allah’s sake…we’ll be doing a great thing for Islam as Muslims are the image of Islam, not all of us should be famous or stars to say that we have achieved something to Islam…but the most important and the greatest matter that we become well known to Allah as an obedient loving slave to Allah all praise to him …
We can all be shinning stars for Islam in every day we survive and in every word we say or a deed we do
firts of all I want to wish you and all the moslims in the world a blessing ramadan.
and I am very happy with your foice its really good masaallah. I don’t listen to songs like that, but when I heard your songs, I’ve got change my mind. Listen to your songs is much better than listen to beyoncy or something like that.
love eya
Assalamualaikum and Mashallah Brother Sami, it is only clear that Allah has given you Great Talent, I’m glad you have used wonderfully.
May Allah shower blessings over your family, friends and yourself.
P.S: Love your voice and your music.
hi sami … thanks very much because you give us this fantastic song or i call it nasheed … i think that by your song you encouraged the muslims in this world to love mohammed _ p.b.u.h_ more and mor.. and you made them prefere to listen to your song more than the stubed songs which are showen on tv ..
i realy like your songs very much and i admire you becauose of what you have done for islame … i may have some mistakes in english because i’m egyption girl and i speak arabic better than english … i will ask allah to help you in reading my message to you …
i hop you like it …
j’attende ta reponse..
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ..
كيف حالك يا أيها الرجل العظيم سامي يوسف ؟
لا أدري كيف أشكرك على هذه الأنشودة التي حولت من أحوال عديد م نالمسلمين إلى الأفضل .. أنا شخصياً أعجبت بها كثيراً .. و أتمنى أن تقدم للعالم الإسلامي المزيد و المزيد و لا تبخل علينا مما أعطاك الله من موهبة و صوت عذب يجذب قلوب الناس إليك لتهديهم إلى الصراط المستقيم .. أتمنى أن تحاول فهم ما أرمي إليه لأني لم أستطع أن أعبر عن ما يدور في خاطري إلى بلغة القرآن لغة النبي الكريم محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ..
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ..
أختك في الإسلام منى العسراوي
may allah bless you
سلام عليكم انا هشام من الجزائر وقد اعجبتني كل اغاني سامي اريد ان احصل على البوم لي سامي
c est la premiere fois que j ecoute ton cd et je le trouve superbe
encore merci
thanks goog
As salaamu alaikum,
It was a beautiful album from the little I heard. Brother Sami Yusuf Allah has blessed you with a beautiful voice, why use so many instruments? By listening to your voice I only wonder what Hazrat Dawood sound like. Hehe. Anyway may Allah bless you and sisters stop proposing to the man, he’s probably married already with a voice like that….jeesh.
selamun aleykum.
sami i love your music so much.
i’m listening to mualim 10 times a day.
Well man , i am So Happy to see Those Videos and Those songs , u are really Wonderfull , i hope , La Ilaha Ila Lah Mohamed , rasoula Lah , baraka Laho Fika Ya Akhi
hi sami, i dont know wat to say… u r great great great… am very fond of u. ur all songs are marvillous and also u look soooo nice and cute… plz go on and keeo on the same way…
God bless u
al salamu alaikom
i just want to say good luck you are wonderfull and may allah protect you and amr khaled
wa jazak allahu khairan
and i want an email for you because i want to give you apresent its a translation for the life of our beloved prophet so please answer me
thanks alot and may allah join us and amr khaled in the garden
wasslamo lee
assalamu alaikom warahmatollah wabarakato
Dear sami, u’ve enlightened cairo, egypt and all egyptians’ hearts and all muslims’ hrts all over the world. God gave u a great gift.. and gave us a great gift too which is “sami yusuf” hope ull do great with learning Arabic and im also offering u help with it, yr sis in Allah, from Egypt Rmadan kareem(f)
P.S. yr songs make my day ๐
keep forward sami ,and God blees you.
Sevgili Yusuf kardesim,
Seni gonulden kutlarim, basarilarinin devamini dilerim, Allaha emanet ol,