Nice Asshole

“The only thing worse than an asshole is a nice asshole!”


This is something I said today and just thought I’d share here.
Really if there’s anything in this world that is worse than some asshole pissing you off constantly, it’s having a nice asshole do it, he pisses you off with a smile and in a weird friendly way.
It just adds to the frustration when you feel like smashing his head in while he just smiles back at you and acts like he’s your friend.

So, to every nice asshole on earth: Choose sides! Either you’re an asshole or you’re nice! Don’t piss us off even more by trying to be both…

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

5 thoughts on “Nice Asshole”

  1. ‘Is there such a thing as a nice asshole? :)’

    I strongly believe that it’s an epidemic that is going around! ‘THE NICE ASSHOLE’

  2. LOL! I totally agree with you WALEG 😉
    As for Roba, you’ll only understand this when you start your career life my dear, although I never wish you’ll work for a nice asshole, EVER!

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