
He’s running…
He’s pushing himself to run even harder, even further, even faster…

He doesn’t remember what he was doing before he started running.
Is there even a “before”?
He’s been running all his life for all he can remember.

Where to? Why? When he’ll get there? What next?
A blank…
He doesn’t know…

He remembers something though…
He used to know where he was running to…
He used to know why he was running…
He used to know what he would find…
He used to know where he would run next…

What went wrong?
A blank…

He stops. He thinks.
He must have made a wrong turn somewhere along the way.
He must have missed the guiding signs.

He thinks, thinks and thinks more…
He picks himself up, looks around him and starts running again…
He’s happier now…
He’s running in a different direction…

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

6 thoughts on “Running…”

  1. Beautiful writing, I loved that.It’s ok to get lost, the important thing is to realize this and get back on the right way.

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