Last night the finale for the cult comedy show “Friends” was aired on NBC, bringing with it an end to the 10 years of fun.
I know a lot of people think that Friends is over-rated, and that it’s not really such a great comedy, but I honestly disagree.
Friends was so much fun, and brought this really cool humour to our screens. The chemistry between the actors was a great one and they rocked together.
I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed any other comedy show as much as I enjoy Friends.
So, it’s a shame that it’s coming to an end, although I understand that it can’t go on forever and that the actors want to move on to different things. I would do the same too.
Anyway, as only the US got the finale yesterday and that the rest of the world will have to wait to see it for a while (long or short depends on where the person is in the world), here are the major plot lines of the finale.
Ross and Rachel realized they loved each other and pledged to stay together “for good.”
Rachel initially brushed off Ross’ sentimental airport confession but fought her way off the plane bound for Paris to return home.
“We’re done being stupid?” Ross asked as the on-again off-again couple hugged. But then he added, “unless we’re on a break.”
A second story line followed Monica and Chandler as they packed their belongings to leave New York.
Monica and Chandler had been expecting to adopt a baby throughout the final season so it wasn’t a shock that there was a hospital scene and a birth.
But the twist came as the couple had twins — a boy and a girl, or “one of each,” as Chandler described it.
Phoebe finished the show happily married. She agreed to have children with her husband, as many as he wants.
The one character who did not find closure was Joey. Viewers know he must be going to Los Angeles to pursue his acting career because NBC has already added the spin-off, “Joey,” to its fall schedule.
And, so he did.
In the end, the “Friends” left an empty apartment and the show faded to black.