In the darkness of a cinema, a woman’s voice: “Hey! Take your hands off! Not you! YOU!”
This old joke illustrates the American policy regarding nuclear armaments in the Middle East. “Hey, you there, Iraq and Iran and Libya, stop it! Not YOU, Israel!”
The danger of nuclear arms was the main pretext for the invasion of Iraq. Iran is threatened in order to compel it to stop its nuclear efforts. Libya has surrendered and is dismantling its nuclear installations.
So what about Israel?
It has become clear that the Americans are full partners in the creation of Israel’s “nuclear option”.
[More: Vanunu: The Terrible Secret]
Israel is a democratic state. The only mid-east state in which Muslim Women have rights and vote and drive and sit in parliament. Israel has had nukes for decades and has not used them in a homoerotic show of how tough they are and how evil the West is. Every one of 22 Arab states (we do not count France) would have used said nukes to blow up the world in hopes of a blowjob from a blond in Paradise. You are an idiot for not realizing this.