I just had to go through deleting some 30+ blog comment spams right now, and i tell you, it’s definitely not the best way to start your day !
It’s a really big pain in the ass…
If i had one wish right now it’d be:
I wish that all spammers die and rot in hell where they get their asses fried a billion times for every spam message they sent !
لخلاوي زعيم ستاراك
خلاوي ستاراك
محمد عطيه استااااار
الي بحب بشار اصوت الى محمد عطية
الي في قلبة حرة يعصر عليي لومية مافي غير محمد عطية ستار
my name is gulalaheir my live in kurdistn iraq