12 thoughts on “You Are Tunisian If…”

  1. It couldn’t be s.o else, MBJ ๐Ÿ™‚
    It was a chat in a cafe or shilling ? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    dude if read this, when we will celebrate ur blogging bapteme experience!

  2. 25) you ask everyone who studies abroad what car he is going to purchase

    26) you can’t queue. You just CAN’T!

    27) your first question to a fellow Tunisian you meet for the first time is: “but where in Tunisia are you originally from?????”

    28) you MUST bring your mother in at some point in ANY conversation

    29) you complain all the time that you don’t have money

    30) you can’t stand the bad habits of your fellow Tunisians when you are at home but miss them a lot when you move abroad!


  3. Tarek’s point 27 is incredibly true. Once they find out you are Tunisian, they try to know your region first, if they visited it, then the street, your family, … No privacy, we are Tunisians after all.
    My standard answer now is “from Tunis”
    – what, you were born and lived in Tunis?
    – yes
    – your origin is from Tunis?
    – Yes.
    – So you are Beldi?
    – No, from Tunis.

  4. Much of the habbits you’ve pointed is right: some are funny some are awful. But some are totally false. Anyway it’s good to speak about tunisian people, specially in a “positiving” way, so that tunisians begin to generalizing reporting information about their countriy or the people without “complex”, because I think we generally speak about each other in a negative way or with scepticism. Anyway bissl

  5. Much of the habbits you’ve pointed are right: some are funny some are awful. But some are totally false. Anyway it’s good to speak about tunisian people, specially in a “positiving” way, so that tunisians begin to generalizing reporting information about their countriy or the people without “complex”, because I think we generally speak about each other in a negative way or with scepticism. Anyway bissl

  6. that’s really funny but there is a very important remark that shows that u r tunisian which is ‘the tunisian dream’:a house, a car and getting married

  7. You are tunisian if you eat herrissa with everything, you are also 100% tunisian if you have a non tunisian last name like, Turki, Fessi, Indolsi, Nabouli, Marrouki, Jaziri, Etc. You are also tunisian if you look arab, but your brother looks white and your mom looks asian (my case), I love Tunisia.

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