Ramadan Tunisian Blogger Meetup

It’s been a while since we had a Tunisian blogger meetup, so I think it’s about time we organize one soon.

As it’s Ramadan, I’m thinking we could all meet and have dinner together somewhere nice.

So, what do you guys think?
And when do you think we should have it?
And do you have any suggestions for good restaurants that serve a delicious meal at accessible prices?

Please leave a comment or email me with your suggestions and ideas.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

9 thoughts on “Ramadan Tunisian Blogger Meetup”

  1. Moi je suis chaud comme d’hab, mais tu sais que pdt ramadan y a bcp de va et viens dans la famille alors il faut fixer la date le plus vite possible pour qu’on prenne pas d’autres engagements, je vous propose samedi 15 octobre
    pour l’endroit … tu penses quoi d’aller chez toi 🙂

  2. I have a good suggestion
    Let’s do it the 15th of Ramadan ?
    A friend’s restaurant in the Lake (don’t worry, he is a friend).
    I’ll get back to you with his offer.
    Let’s say 20 persons ?


  3. I have a good suggestion
    Let’s do it the 15th of Ramadan ?
    A friend’s restaurant in the Lake (don’t worry, he is a friend).
    I’ll get back to you with his offer.
    Let’s say 20 persons ?


  4. Drako and Adib, I wish I could have you all over for dinner at our place, but unfortunately there is not enough space for all of us.

    Marouen, which restaurant are you talking about? And how much did your friend offer?

    Adib, I really like the program you proposed. As for dinner, I thought it would be nice for us to have dinner together, anyway we’ll see what everyone else thinks and then decide all together what the program for the night is 🙂


    Ce samedi 15 octobre sera notre meet up premier meet up ramadanesque, subzero propose qu’on choisisse un restaurant pour la rupture du jeune ensemble! personellement je suis pour qu’on veille ensemble,  un rendez vous aux environ de 20h du coté d…

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