I Am Israel

The following is a short, succinct article that tells a lot, written by Hashem Said, a young Palestinian student in Washington State University, for which the paper – under pressure, as usual, from pro-Israeli activists – had to apologize.

This was forwarded to me back in 2002, and I stumbled upon it today while sniffing around my old emails, and I thought I’d share it with you guys here.

I am Israel
By Hashem Said
The Daily – Washington State University, Feb. 25, 2002

I am Israel – I came to a land without a people for a people without a land. Those people who happened to be here, had no right to be here, and my people showed them they had to leave or die, razing 480 Palestinian villages to the ground, erasing their history.

I am Israel – some of my people committed massacres and later became Prime Ministers to represent me. In 1948, Menachem Begin was in charge of the unit that slaughtered the inhabitants of Deir Yassin, including 100 men, women, and children. In 1953, Ariel Sharon led the slaughter of the inhabitants of Qibya, and in 1982 arranged for our allies to butcher around 2,000 in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla.

I am Israel – carved in 1948 out of 78% of the land of Palestine, dispossessing its inhabitants and replacing them with Jews from Europe and other parts of the
world. While the natives whose families lived on this land for thousands of years are not allowed to return, Jews from all over the world are welcome to instant

I am Israel – in 1967, I swallowed the remaining lands of Palestine – the West Bank and Gaza – and placed their inhabitants under an oppressive military rule,
controlling and humiliating every aspect of their daily lives. Eventually, they should get the message that they are not welcome to stay, and join the
millions of Palestinian refugees in the shanty camps of Lebanon and Jordan.

I am Israel – I have the power to control American policy. My American Israel Public Affairs Committee can make or break any politician of its choosing, and
as you see, they all compete to please me. All the forces of the world are powerless against me, including the UN as I have the American veto to block
any condemnation of my war crimes. As Sharon so eloquently phrased it, “We control America”.

I am Israel – I influence American mainstream media too, and you will always find the news tailored to my favor. I have invested millions of dollars into PR
representation, and CNN, New York Times, and others have been doing an excellent job of promoting my propaganda. Look at other international news sources and you will see the difference.

I am Israel – and you Palestinians want to negotiate “peace!?” But you are not as smart as me; I will negotiate, but will only let you have your municipalities while I control your borders, your water, your airspace, and anything else of importance.
While we “negotiate,” I will swallow your hilltops and fill them with settlements, populated by the most extremist of my extremists, armed to the teeth. These
settlements will be connected with roads you cannot use, and you will be imprisoned in your little Bantustans between them, surrounded by checkpoints in
every direction.

I am Israel – with the fourth strongest army in the world, possessing nuclear weapons. How dare your children confront my oppression with stones, don’t you
know my soldiers won’t hesitate to blow their heads off? In 17 months, I have killed 900 of you and injured 17,000, mostly civilians, and have the mandate
to continue since the international community remains silent. Ignore, as I do, the hundreds of Israeli soldiers who are now refusing to carry out my control
over your lands and people; their voices of conscience will not protect you.

I am Israel – and you want freedom? I have bullets, tanks, missiles, Apaches, and F-16’s, to obliterate you. I have placed your towns under siege, confiscated
your lands, uprooted your trees, demolished your homes, and you still demand freedom? Don’t you get the message? You will never have peace or freedom, because I am Israel.

Published by

Mohamed Marwen Meddah

Mohamed Marwen Meddah is a Tunisian-Canadian, web aficionado, software engineering leader, blogger, and amateur photographer.

11 thoughts on “I Am Israel”

  1. oh my God, I hope many of the people on the superstar blog will read it, this is a good article to present in one of my classes here in the USA as most Americans know nothing about the world. its just a good way to present it

  2. Wow…this is the most rediculously biased article ever. I hope that everyone who reads it realizes that Begin was part of a gang at the time, and that Sharon did’nt facilitate the massacres. Of course I am not denying these things as they obviously happened, but who are we to talk about Israel when the PLO former leader was Yasser Arafat, one of the biggest guerilla tactic masterminds in history. The people who call themselves “Palestinians” were given a chance at freedom, but instead elected a government headed by Hamas, a terrorist organization that sends it’s children through mine fields as decoys to Israeli troops. Sadly enough, articles like this are published and people automatically sympathize when they read them. Israel launched a pre-emptive strike in 1967 against Egypt and Syria for its own protection and when it gave the Sinai back to Egypt in exchange for peace, the Egyptians would not take Aza (the place where millions of “Palestinians” live at the moment, terrorizing Israeli children with Qassam rockets and machine gun fire.) because of the people who lived there. Read an historically accurate article and then come back to me trying to argue this blatant non-sense.

  3. To the guy above. Read an accurate account of history? Really? Clearly you don’t understand that history is always told from some ones point of view, thus always biased. Which text should we read, the one written by American’s who support Israel as a governing state or the accounts coming directly from Israeli’s them selves? I’m sorry but Israel is a country that exist because it lays claim to the land based on the bible? Had a a group of Muslims artificially asserted them selves some where saying that the Qa’ran gave them right to be there or even a group of Christians (wait no-thats how Christians conquered most of the world back during colonization). Well never mind, I guess if you’re of the right religion you can stake claim in any thing you please and force the world to support you. We support Israel out of fear not understanding. Support Israel less you look like an anti-Semite for going against Israel. You sound like a man who would blame a rape victim for enticing her attacker with a short skirt. Offered a chance at freedom! The thing with freedom is its arbitrary when it comes with restrictions on it. Thats like saying the US government offered the indigenous population freedom by forcing them into concentration camps! You should go read something with a true account of history. The things that some of these Israeli leaders have said over the last 50 years are appalling affronts to human kind!
    “It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.”

    — Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

    “Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours…Everything we don’t grab will go to them.”
    — Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998.

    “Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.”

    — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online

    A few historical quotes for thought……..


  5. Seriously YOU deserve to burn in hell ๐Ÿ™‚
    you are the killers….
    you killed 1000 Palestinian
    and injured 4300

    You took our land…
    Bu here this we will get it back
    nshalla <3

  6. I just realized that everything i said above was false! So sorry…it took me 2 years to think about what i said.

  7. A reply to Evan

    Wow…another Zionist sympathiser is crying wolf again. Old tactic mate, people are not blind. Primitive Qassam rocket does not kill that many. Considering the continued massacre of the Palestinians, what Hashem Said has written is nothing but the WHOLE TRUTH.

    It is so ****ing obvious that what this Mr Zionist-sympathiser has written was a purely blatant non-sense.

    I say, the Zionists deserve to be abolished from the face of the earth!

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